We cordially invite you to attend the 'CWI Lexures on Discrete Mathematics and Optimization' on 25 April 2013 at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam. This year's CWI Lectures are organized in honour of Lex Schrijver, on the occasion of his retirement.

Lex Schrijver is a world-renowned authority on discrete mathematics and optimization. In 2005 Lex Schrijver was awarded the prestigious NWO Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. He is best known to the general public for his work on the optimization of the Dutch railway timetables.
The CWI Lectures 2013 in mathematics and computer science are organized by CWI's Networks & Optimization group.
Invited speakers
The program features five speakers who are related to the research and career of Lex Schrijver, including:
- László Lovász (Eötvös Lórand University, Hungary)
- Martin Grötschel (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, Germany)
- Willem Haemers (Tilburg University, the Netherlands)
- Dion Gijswijt (CWI / Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)
- Leo Kroon (Erasmus University Rotterdam / Netherlands Railways/NS)
Program (tentative)
10:30 - 11:00 Welcome with coffee & tea
11:00 - 11:05 Opening
11:05 - 11:50 László Lovász
11:50 - 12:35 Martin Grötschel
12:35 - 13:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:10 Willem Haemers
14:10 - 14:40 Dion Gijswijt
14:40 - 15:10 Leo Kroon
15:10 - 15:30 Coffee & tea
15:30 - 16:30 Speeches
15:30 - 15-40 Jan Karel Lenstra
15:40 - 15:50 Krzysztof Apt
15:50 - 16:00 Leen Stougie
16:00 - 16:10 Jan Wiegerinck
16:10 - 16:15 Jos Baeten
16:15 - 16:20 Rob van der Mei
16:20 - 16:30 Lex Schrijver
16:30 - 19:00 Reception and walking dinner
László Lovász:
Graph algebras and extremal graph theory
Algebras generated by partially labeled graphs have been introduced by Freedman, Lovasz and Schrijver, as a tool for the characterization of homomorphism functions. In this paper, we survey some applications of them in extremal graph theory: characterizing linear inequalities between subgraph densities, and a potential application to characterize the possible structures of extremal graphs.
Willem Haemers (see enclosed pdf)
Dion Gijswijt:
Independent sets in symmetric graphs
In 2006, Lex Schrijver published a new method for obtaining bounds for the size of binary codes. The method combined at least two beautiful ideas: approximating a discrete problem by increasingly tight semidefinite relaxations, and a way to exploit the underlying symmetry group to (dramatically) reduce the problem size.
This method can be adapted to a wide range of (symmetric) optimization problems and its success has spurred much research in the last 7 years.
Guided by a recreational conjecture on tiling cubes, we expose some of the mathematical ideas.
Leo Kroon:
Challenges after CADANS
Lex Schrijver's first contribution to railway optimization was the development of the CADANS model for generating periodic railway timetables, mainly represented by departure and arrival times of trains. The development of CADANS was important in its own, but it was even more important since it showed for the first time that railway planning problems can not only be solved by human planners based on their experience and craftsmanship, but also by computers. The development of CADANS was the starting point of the development of other railway optimization models for station routing, rolling stock circulation, and crew scheduling. These models are used nowadays on a daily basis in the planning processes of Netherlands Railways. The current development focuses on the application of these optimization models for disruption management in case of large disturbances of the railway system. Here several challenges are still to be tackled, such as short computation times, uncertainty, and a highly dynamic environment. These challenges will be illustrated in this presentation.
Registration has been closed as per 24 April.
For further informations and questions concerning the CWI Lexures, please contact Susanne van Dam
Here is an interesting video of the Simons foundation featuring László Lovász interviewed by Avi Wigderson.
Guest list
Aart Blokhuis
Adri Steenbeek
Aida Abiad
Aleksander Brancewicz
Anargyros Katsampekis
Angelique Schilder
Annette Kik
Antonios Varvitsiotis
Ay Ong
Bart de Keijzer
Bert van Es
Bodo Manthey
Caroline Jagtenberg
Christian Schaffner
Christine Staiger
Christos Pelekis
Coby Geijsel
Coby van Vonderen
Cor Baaijen
Cor Hurkens
David de Laat
Dick den Hertog
Dion Gijswijt
Ed Veling
Edwin de Boer
Edwin van Dam
Ellis Binnenmarsch
Erik van Doorn
Evalien IJsendijk
Evan DeCorte
Evelien Wallet
Femke van Raamsdonk
Fernando de Melo
Frank de Boer
Frank den Hollander
Frank Kuiper
Frank van der Duyn Schouten
G.Y. Nieuwland
Gerard Kindervater
Giannicola Scarpa
Guido Schaefer
Gunnar Klau
Guus Regts
Guus schippers
Han Hoogeveen
Hans Schumacher
Hans Vonk
Harry Buhrman
Hendrik Lenstra
Henk Nieland
Herbert hamers
Herman te Riele
Hette Weijma
Ieke Moerdijk
Ignacio Cascudo
Inez Fikkers
Iris Grötschel
Irving van Heuven van Staereling
Jaap Korevaar
Jacob Engwerda
Jan Draisma
Jan Karel Lenstra
Jan Kok
Jan Rutten
Jan Schipper
Jan van Leeuwen
Jan van Mill
Jan Wiegerinck
Jason Frank
Jetske Schrijver
Joek van Montfort
Joost Batenburg
Jose Koster
Juan Vera
Judith Keijsper
Juliette Schrijver
Kacha Dzhaparidze
Kamiel Cornelissen
Karin van Gemert
Katalin Vesztergombi
Kees de Vreugd
Kees Oosterlee
Kees van den Hoeven
Ko Anthonisse
Krzysztof R. Apt
Laslo Lovasz
Leen Stougie
Leo Kroon
Leo van Iersel
Lex Schrijver
Lex Zandee
Lieke Schultze
Lieske Schrijver
Lotte de Jonker
Luis Ortiz Gracia
Lynda Hardman
Maarten Dijkema
Marc Uetz
Marcus Klaas
Margreet Nool
Marie-Colette van Lieshout
Mariska Heemskerk
Marja Braxhoofden
Marja Hegt
Marlin van der Heijden
Martin Grötschel
Martyn Mulder
Matthijs Coster
Matthijs Schukking
Mees de Vries
Michael Guravage
Michel Mandjes
Miriam Gravemaker
Monique Laurent
Murray Patterson
Nada Mitrovic
Nebojla Gvozdenovic
Nella Schrijver
Onno Boxma
Paul Klint
Paul Vitanyi
Peter de Paepe
Peter Grünwald
Peter Hildering
Peter Schrijver
Peter van Emde Boas
Petra de Bont
Piet Beertema
Piet Hemker
Pieter van den Berg
Rob Bisseling
Rob van den Berg
Rob van der Mei
Robbert de Haan
Robbert Fokkink
Robert van Liere
Robert W. van der Waall
Roel Niessen
Roelof Helmers
Ronald de Wolf
Ross Kang
Ruben Brokkelkamp
Rudi Pendavingh
Rutger Kerkkamp
Sander Bohte
Serge Fehr
Simone van der Wolff
Sindo Nunez Queija
Stefan Manegold
Sumit Sourabh
Sunil Simon
Susanne van Dam
Takanori Hida
Teresa Piovesan
Teun Janssen
Thije van Barneveld
Thijs van Ommen
Tim Oosterwijk
Tobias Baanders
Tobias Muller
Ulle Endriss
Vadim Zaytsev
Wieb Bosma
Willem Haemers
Willem Hundsdorfer
Wilmy van Ojik
Wouter Koolen-Wijkstra
Wouter Mettrop
Yagiz Kargin
Yuri Matteman
Zhao Sun