
Jan Karel Lenstra: the traveling science man

On the occasion of Jan Karel Lenstra’s resignation as general director, CWI organizes on Friday 4 November 2011, the symposium

4 Nov 2011 from 9 a.m. to 4 Nov 2011 6:30 p.m. CET (GMT+0100)
CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam


On the occasion of Jan Karel Lenstra’s resignation as general director, CWI organizes on
Friday 4 November 2011, the symposium


                                                Jan Karel Lenstra: the traveling science man


The morning program will have a scientific character, the afternoon program will have a more personal touch.

Morning program (English)

10:00                Coffee and tea

10:25                Opening by morning chair Rob van der Mei

10:30                David Johnson (AT&T Labs, USA)

11:00                David Shmoys (Cornell University, USA)


11:30 – 11:55   Break


12:00                Gerhard Woeginger (TU/e)

12:30                Lex Schrijver (CWI)


13:00 – 13:55   Lunch


Afternoon program (Dutch)

13:55               Welcome by director Jos Baeten and opening by afternoon chair Barry Koren 

14:00               Alexander Rinnooy Kan

14:15               Robbert Dijkgraaf

14:30               Jos Engelen

14:45               Peter van Laarhoven


15:00 – 15:25  Break


15:30               Tom Wansbeek

15:45               Catrien Lenstra

16:00               Elisabeth Lenstra

16:15               Jan Karel Lenstra


16:30 – 19:30  Drinks and walking dinner