Computer scientist Paul Klint from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, was appointed Officer of the Order of Oranje-Nassau on 9 September 2013. Deputy Mayor of Bussum, Gerard Boekhoff, presented the Royal Decoration to Paul Klint for his outstanding contribution to science and society at the reception that was held in honour of his sixty-fifth birthday. Boekhoff praised in his speech Klint's role as top researcher, his educational qualities and influence on the profilation of the field of computer science in the Netherlands and beyond.
In 2012, Klint celebrated his 40th work anniversary at CWI. From 1997 to 2012 he was research leader of the Software Analysis and Transformation research group and from 2002 to 2012 Klint was also head of the Software Engineering department. The central theme in Klint’s research is software engineering, the understanding of existing software and development of tools for systematic improvement of software.
Klint also co-founded the Software Improvement Group (SIG), a very succesful CWI spin-off that won the 2008 ICTRegie Award. In 2009, Paul Klint was responsible for the cooperation with the French research institute Inria, aiming at strengthening the European research infrastructure. Until 2008, Klint was chairman of ICT-research Platform Nederland (IPN), where he worked at the development of computer science research in the Netherlands. During his presidency, he succeeded in integrating computer science in the field of ICT.
In January 2012 Paul Klint was appointed CWI Fellow. Klint is also part-time professor and director of the Software Engineering Master’s degree program at the University of Amsterdam. Klint published more than a hundred papers and supervised a large number of PhD and master students.
More information:
Website Paul Klint

Image: Deputy mayor Gerard Boekhoff of Bussum presenting the decoration to Paul Klint