
Jurgen Vinju

Full Name
Prof.dr. J.J. Vinju
+31 20 592 4102
Scientific Staff Member
Jurgen Vinju


Jurgen Vinju is research group leader of CWI's Software Analysis and Transformation (SWAT) group and part-time full professor at TU Eindhoven in the Model Driven Software Engineering (MSDE) group. His research is focused on metaprogramming and applications thereof in (domain specific) language engineering and software reverse engineering. His goal is learning how to control software complexity; in order to be able to better understand software such that we can maintain and extend it more efficiently and with better quality guarantees. Jurgen contributes as designer and programmer to open-source software projects, such as the Rascal Metaprogramming Language ( His education experience is from the joint Master Software Engineering program of UvA, VU and HvA.


All publications


  • The Distinguished Artifact Award, SLE 2021 (2021)
  • Most influential paper award (2019)
  • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2017)
  • Author Distinguished Paper Award International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE). With M. Steindorfer. (2016)
  • Author Distinguished Paper Award International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) . With T. Parr (2016)
  • IBM "Bravo" Award (2008)

Professional activities

  • Professor: Eindhoven University of Technology - [TUe] - Automated Software Analysis,
  • Organizer: Universiteit van Amsterdam - [UvA] - Master Programme Software Engineering
  • Organizer: Co-organizer CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - National Symposium Software Engineering The Netherlands - [SEN]
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Comparing Bottom-up with Top-down Parsing Architectures for the Syntax Definition Formalism from a Disambiguation Standpoint, Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium, TU Delft
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Rascal Lab: Sustainable Research Software Infrastructure for Software Engineering, Symposium on Software Engineering to the occasion of the doctoral defense of Lina Ochoa Venegas. TU Eindhoven.
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Rapid Prototyping of Language Servers with Rascal, VScode, and Gitpod. Gitpod community event @ Adyen, Amsterdam

Current projects with external funding

  • Financing Sustainable Research Software (None)