According to the SPARC position paper institutional repositories are digital collections capturing and preserving the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community to provide a compelling response to two strategic issues facing academic institutions:
- as a natural extension of academic institutions' responsibility as generators of primary research seeking to preserve and leverage their constituents' intellectual assets; and
- as one potentially major component in the evolving structure of scholarly communication.
The contents of the repository is accessible to everybody who is interested. In addition it can be harvested selectively by subject-oriented service providers to cater for the needs of scientists on relevant subjects.
The CWI Library has an institutional repository. It is also possible to search in the CWI repository only. Our repository is also harvested by the Discovery catalogue of the library.
In order to help develop the repository you are requested to contribute the final author's version of your paper to be included in the repository. The final author's version is the version which is identical in contents to the paper as it will be published in the journal or conference proceedings, but is not the version as is published on the publisher's website.
In case of problems please contact Vera Sarkol (vera.sarkol at
Institutional repositories as well as other open access e-resources can be retrieved via search engines like Google Scholar.
Please note: all CWI reports are automatically added to the repository.