Amsterdam AI

Academic, medical and other organisations in Amsterdam will help the city develop and deploy responsible tech in the field of AI in a unique collaboration programme: Amsterdam AI.

Amsterdam AI, technology for people is a collaboration between government, academic, medical and other organisations in Amsterdam to help the city develop and deploy responsible technology in AI. Projects will focus on strengthening the AI ecosystem and work on AI solutions in 3 domains: business innovation, citizen support, and health.

Helping the city develop and deploy responsible AI

In December 2019, a group of academic, medical and other organisations in Amsterdam announced the launch of Amsterdam AI, technology for people. This initiative is designed to help the city develop and deploy responsible tech in the field of AI, and focuses on serving people working in health, business innovation and citizen support. The initiative encourages collaboration with leading institutions around the world, as well as public partners and members of the business community.

amsterdam ai


The initiative will also encourage companies to conduct research in Amsterdam and establish headquarters in the city while helping improve the quality of life for residents and encouraging medical breakthroughs related to AI. The organisations involved in the initiative are the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital (which is partnered with the Netherlands Cancer Institute), the Amsterdam Economic BoardAmsterdam UMCCentrum Wiskunde & Informatica, the City of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam University of Applied SciencesSanquin, the UvA and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).

Stay up to date

CWI is partner of Amsterdam AI. A broad coalition of academic, medical, government and other organizations working together in the field of artificial intelligence. Together they stand for groundbreaking research, progressive education and creative, multidisciplinary collaborations. Amsterdam AI's activities are focused on the human-centered, fair, equitable, safe and reliable application of AI. Don't want to miss anything about Amsterdam AI developments? Then sign up for the monthly newsletter

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