Call for proposals: CWI Research Semester Programmes 2025 - 2027

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) invites colleagues from Dutch universities to jointly develop proposals for CWI Research Semester Programmes in 2025, 2026 and 2027.

Aim of the CWI Research Semester Programmes

CWI has formulated the ambition to facilitate and strengthen joint research activities of the Dutch mathematics and computer science communities by offering a meeting place for research and collaboration. CWI Research Semester Programmes aim to establish a common base for further scientific contributions, build and strengthen national research communities on specific topics, and allow researchers – junior and senior ­– to expand their network for further collaborative initiatives. CWI has been running Research Semester Programmes since 2022. General information and information on past and future programmes can be found here.

What can you apply for?

We solicit proposals for CWI Research Semester Programmes for the period 2025-2027. CWI can accommodate two more programmes in 2025, and up to four in both 2026 and 2027. A CWI Research Semester Programme consists of a coherent set of meetings and activities in which researchers come together to collaborate on important or emerging research topics over a longer period, typically for the duration of a semester. The format of a programme is flexible. It may, for example, consist of a series of workshops, a school or masterclass for PhD students, a bootcamp, weekly or monthly seminars or a reading group.

We specifically encourage you, as part of the CWI Research Semester Programme, to apply for long-term visits (or sabbaticals) of renowned scientists, at the premises of CWI. In addition, CWI wants to stimulate informal network formation and has, to that end, flexible workspaces available to collaborate with colleagues involved in the Research Semester Programme.

As an organizing team, you develop the content of the programme and invite speakers and participants. CWI provides:

  • budget for travel and accommodation, the meeting facilities and the catering (up to 30.000 euros);
  • the marketing and communication activities; and
  • the organising support staff.

More information

You can apply for a CWI Research Semester Programme if you:

  • are a (team of) researcher(s) from Dutch universities and CWI;
  • have at least one CWI researcher as co-applicant;
  • are enthusiastic about a new research topic that relates to one of CWI’s research focus areas: 1) Algorithms, 2) Data and Intelligent Systems, 3) Cryptography and Security, and 4) Quantum Computing; and
  • know colleagues, both in The Netherlands and abroad, who are interested to contribute and significantly advance joint research on your topic

Proposals should:

  • describe the applicants and their complementarities;
  • describe the recent scientific developments of the chosen topic;
  • be scientifically relevant, topical and novel to a broad Dutch community;
  • have a highly interactive programme structure;
  • connect to one (or more) of the CWI research focus areas;
  • describe the foreseen output and/or long-term gain for the Dutch research community.

In addition, we aim at diversity in both the applicants and foreseen participants, e.g., in research background, affiliation, level of seniority and gender.

A small committee ­– including representatives from CWI’s management team, previous organisers of Research Semester Programmes and CWI’s research foci – will evaluate and select proposals (based on the mentioned criteria).

Please fill out the proposal template. The call for proposals closes on June 27th, 2024. By the end of July, the proposals and budgets will be evaluated.

For more information on the CWI focus areas, you can contact:

On June 11, 2024, CWI organises a workshop (9:30 – 13:00) for mathematics and informatics researchers to jointly propose and develop topics for Research Semester Programmes.

Participation does not imply that you have to run a Research Semester Programme yourself. You can also contribute ideas to proposals of colleagues and to the concept of the Research Semester Programme. Note also that participating in the workshop is not mandatory for submitting a proposal. Nevertheless, we deem it helpful to offer future applicants a dedicated timeslot to develop your proposal with colleagues under the guidance of experienced facilitators. After the workshop, your proposal will be (almost) ready to submit. Click here for more information and registration.


For general questions concerning the Research Semester Programmes and about this call procedure, or to get in touch with a relevant CWI-researcher for your topic, please send an e-mail to You can also use this e-mail address to submit your proposal.