29 November 2019
Joost Berkhout (IAS), Production Scheduling in an Industry 4.0 Era
Irene Viola (DIS), Compression approaches for light field photography
Christian Majenz (A&C), Hash functions in post-quantum cryptography
Makrand Sinha (N&O), Exponential Separation between Quantum Communication and Logarithm of Approximate Rank
4 October 2019
Jannis Teunissen (MD), Studying plasmas with computers
Wouter Koolen-Wijkstra (ML), Sequential reward maximisation by solving a semi-infinite covering LP
14 June 2019
Peter Grünwald (ML), Save testing
Davide Ceolin (IA), Assessing the quality of web documents
12 April 2019
Astrid van Aggelen (IA), Culturomics and reliable computation
Adriaan Graas (CI), Deep Learning for Dynamic Tomography
Mathé Zeegers (CI), Foreign object detection using spectral imaging and machine learning
Sangeetika Ruchi (SC), Application of ensemble data assimilation methods for parameter estimation in reservoir modelling
Marco Virgolin (LSH), Machine learning-powered radiation dose reconstruction for pediatric cancer survivors
Bernard Zweers (ST), Optimization under uncertainty in inland container transportation
22 February 2019
Solon Pissis (LSH), Linear space is impractical: Constructing antidictionaries in output-sensitive space
30 November 2018
Daan Bloembergen (IAS), Reinforcement learning for critical domains
Anastasia Borovykh (SC), Understanding the loss surface of neural networks
21 September 2018
Peter Bosman (LSH), Better, Faster, and more Insightful Semi-Automatic Brachytherapy Treatment
Marie Colette van Lieshout (ST), Non-model based bandwidth selection for kernel estimators of spatial intensity functions
25 May 2018
Nikhik Bansal (N&O), Optimization and discrepancy theory
Robert van Liere (CI), Imaging Ancient Chinese Ivory Puzzle Balls: Deducing the make process
6 April 2018
Mark Abspoel (CR), Improving HIV treatment choice with multi-party computation
Sander Gribeling (N&O), Matrix factorization ranks: why do we want to lower bound them?
Rianne de Heide (ML), Hypothesis testing
Rien Lagerwerf (CI), Improving FDK Reconstruction by Data-Dependent Filtering
Lina Ochoa (SWAT), An Empirical Evaluation of OSGi Dependencies Best Practices in the Eclipse IDE
26 January 2018
Hannes Mühleisen (DA), Reconciling process in statistical computation and data management
Benjamin Sanderse (SC), Uncertainty quantification for fluid dynamics applications
24 November 2017
Tim Baarslag (IAS), Coordination of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Through Negotiation
Joost Bosman (ST), A domain specific language for performance modeling
Thomas Degueule (SWAT), Modular Extension of Domain-specific Languages
29 September 2017
Stacey Jeffery (Algorithms and Complexity), How a classical verifier can test a quantum system
Roeland Merks (Scientific Computing), Multiscale modeling of mechanical cell-cell signaling during embryonic development
16 June 2017
Joost Batenburg (Computational Imaging), The CWI Computational Imaging group
Wouter Koolen (Machine Learning), The ML Group at CWI + Monte Carlo Tree Search
31 March 2017
Srinivasan Arunachalam (Algorithms and Complexity), Strengths and weaknesses of quantum machine learning
Jasmijn Baaijens (Life Sciences), A puzzle with a million pieces: assembling viral genomes from sequencing data
Krzysztof Bisewski (Scientific Computing), How to minimize time-discretization error?
Tessel Bogaard (Information Access), Understanding user behavior from search logs: a metadata-level approach
Jan Willem Kleinrouweler (Distributed and Interactive Systems), Delivering stable and high quality video over HTTP
Riemer van Rozen (Software Analysis and Transformation), Live Game Design
13 January 2017
Svetlana Dubinkina (Scientific Computing), Data assimilation is a power when treated wisely
Hans van den Berg (Stochastics / TNO), ICT research at TNO: research challenges of 5G mobile networks
9 December 2016
Leo Ducas (Cryptology), Post Quantum cryptography from lattices
Johannes Köster (Life Sciences), A Bayesian model for single-cell gene expression analysis on MERFISH data
Eleftherios Sidirourgos (Database Architectures), A Database System with Amnesia
Aiko Yamashita (Software Analysis & Transformation), Investigating how code attributes affect the effort of developers performing different activities during software maintenance
14 October 2016
Enrico Camporeale (Multiscale Dynamics), Machine Learning for Space Weather
Michael Kaisers (Intelligent Systems), Strategies and mechanisms for competitive cooperation in Smart Grids applications
13 May 2016
Kasper Dokter (Formal Methods), Scheduling of Parallel Applications
Bart Kamphorst (Stochastics), Achievable Performance of Blind Scheduling Policies
Teresa Piovesan (Networks & Optimization), Communication using quantum entanglement: benefits and limitations
Casper Rutjes (Multiscale Dynamics), The origin of lightning
Jouke Stoel (Software Analysis and Transformation), Solving the Bank, on the application of formal specifications and SMT solving inside a bank
29 January 2016
Marc Stevens (CR), Cryptanalysis of the cryptographic standard SHA-1
Aad van der Klaauw (ITF, Data Protection Officer), Towards a secure research environment
27 November 2015
Cristobal Guzman (Networks and Optimization), Noise Robustness of Optimization Algorithms via Statistical Queries
Wouter Koolen (Algorithms and Complexity), Learning Faster from Easy Data
Willem Jan Palenstijn (Scientific Computing), Tomography and High Performance Computing
Chang-Han Rhee (Stochastics), Perfect Estimation with Imperfect Samples
25 September 2015
Stijn de Gouw (CWI and SDL-Fredhopper), Showing that Android's, Java's and Python's sorting algorithm is broken, and fixing it formally
Yanja Dajsuren (FM), Quality Evaluation of Automotive Software Systems
29 May 2015
Folkert Bleichrodt (SC), Robust artefact reduction in tomographic imaging
Caroline Jagtenberg (ST), Operational ambulance planning
Davy Landman (SWAT), Empirical analysis of the relationship between CC and SLOC in a large corpus of Java methods
Vlad Serbanescu (FM), Modeling schedulers in parallel and distributed systems
Tom Sterkenburg (A&C), Occam's datacompressor
Myriam Traub (IA), Tool Criticism
27 March 2015
Peter Boncz (DA), LDBC social network benchmark
Kostis Kyzirakos (DA), Building Virtual Earth Observatories Using Scientific Database and Semantic Web Technologies
Michiel Hildebrand (IA/Spinque), Spinque Link. Vocabulary Alignment Service
Chen Wang (DIS), Sensing Audience
30 January 2015
Rob van der Mei (ST), Overview of activities in Logistics Theme
Daniel Dadush (N&O), Solving "Curved" Linear Programs via the Shadow Simplex Method
Peter van de Ven (ST), Distributed Backup Scheduling: Modeling and Optimization