UPDATE: This event has been postponed until further notice, due to the impact of COVID-19.
WIQD (pronounced "wicked") is a professional network for quantum technology enthusiasts from industry, academia and policy. Its mission is to bring together women in quantum in the Netherlands, and beyond, for support, networking, and community growth.
The First WIQD Symposium will be held on March 18 2020. The event will feature keynote speakers Heike Riel (IBM) and Barbara Terhal (TU Delft) as well as opportunities to connect with fellow WIQD Women.
Registration for the event is free, but required.
The steering committee for WIQD consists of:
- Jaya Baloo (Avast)
- Julia Cramer (co-chair; Leiden University)
- Freeke Heijman (Delft University of Technology)
- Stacey Jeffery (co-chair; CWI and QuSoft)
- Victor Land (QuSoft)
- Tanja Lange (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Karin Poels (Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations)
- Barbara Terhal (QuTech/Delft University of Technology and Forschungszentrum Jülich)
POSTPONED: Women in Quantum Development (WIQD) Symposium
WIQD is a professional network for quantum technology enthusiasts from industry, academia and policy. The first WIQD Symposium will feature keynote speakers Heike Riel (IBM) and Barbara Terhal (TU Delft) as well as opportunities to connect with fellow WIQD Women.
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18 Mar 2020
from 11 a.m.
to 18 Mar 2020 6 p.m.
CET (GMT+0100)
OBA Library of Amsterdam, Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam