Computer Security group news
Farhad Arbab honoured by Sharif University of Technology
CWI researcher Farhad Arbab was honoured by Sharif University of Technology in Iran as one of its fifty most outstanding alumni over the past fifty years. The alumni were selected for both …
Cum laude for new method making parallel programming easier
Due to the increase of multicore processors used in smart phones, game consoles and other computers, parallel programming has become increasingly important. To prevent software errors, concurrent calculations must always exactly be …
FACS Best Paper Award for Formal Methods researchers
During the FACS2015 conference three researchers associated with the CWI Formal Methods research group were awarded the Best Paper Award for their article ‘Composing Constraint Automata, State-by-State’. The conference was held in …
Cum laude for PhD student Jurriaan Rot
Infinite data structures can be studied with a simplified technique, thanks to research done by PhD student Jurriaan Rot. He received his PhD degree with honours (cum laude) for his thesis ‘Enhanced …
TCS journal honours Jan Rutten
Jan Rutten from CWI’s Formal Methods research group was recently awarded by the journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) for his much cited article Universal Coalgebra – a theory of systems, on the …
Java Bug Fixed with Formal Methods CWI
Researchers from CWI fixed a bug in the widely used object-oriented programming language Java in February 2015. They found an error in a broadly applied sorting algorithm, TimSort, which could crash programs.
Fewer errors in software features by using delta modelling
When new features are being written into software code, errors can easily be made. This is due to the fact that feature code often interacts in many different places in the software.
CWI and SDL join forces to improve cloud-based marketing
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and SDL recently started a public-private partnership project to improve cloud-based software for marketing purposes. In this joint project both CWI and SDL contribute to the research …