How to make cryptographic techniques more efficient

Transferring money or sending other sensitive information online: with cryptography, your data does not fall into the wrong hands. Thomas Attema developed a new technique to make data encryption even more efficient.


AIVD, TNO and CWI publish handbook on migration to quantum-secure communications

Organizations should start migrating to a quantum-safe environment soon. On 4 April 2023, AIVD, TNO and CWI published a handbook for the migration to quantum-secure communications. Alexandra van Huffelen, State Secretary for …


How quantum mechanics threatens our digital lives – and makes them safer

Much of the work of Serge Fehr (CWI and Leiden University) is abstract and theoretical and comprehensible to very few people. But his work helps make the digital world safer. He will …

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Futureproofing computer security

Computer systems need advanced mathematical tools to disguise or encrypt our information and keep it safe from prying eyes.

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CWI involved in two primary Post-Quantum Cryptography standards

Cryptographic standards to protect sensitive electronic data against the threat of quantum computers have finally been selected by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Léo Ducas from CWI's Cryptology …

CWI involved in two Post-Quantum Cryptography standards

Léo Ducas appointed professor of Mathematical Cryptology

Léo Ducas is appointed as a part-time professor Mathematical Cryptology at Leiden University. At CWI, he designed several cryptosystems, some of which might soon be adopted as new international standards.


The mathematics of privacy-friendly data sharing

For his work on the mathematics of privacy-friendly data sharing, Thomas Attema (TNO and CWI) won the TNO Young Excellent Researcher Award 2021. He was interviewed by TNO Insights.

The mathematics of privacy-friendly data sharing

Hurray! A new national supercomputer: Snellius

On Thursday 16 September 2021, Queen Máxima performed the official opening of the new national supercomputer Snellius. CWI researchers have been computing on the national supercomputer since 1984: from testing security keys …

Hurray! A new national supercomputer: Snellius