Database Architectures group news

Veni grant for Big Data research

The Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Stratos Idreos of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam a Veni grant for his project “DataExplore: Querying the Universe in a few …

Veni grant for Big Data research

European Data Forum 2012 announced

On 6 and 7 June 2012, the first European Data Forum will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. CWI researcher Peter Boncz is one of the organizing partners through the European project Linked …

European Data Forum 2012 announced

Cor Baayen Award 2011 for Stratos Idreos and Luca Mottola

This year, ERCIM – the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics – has exceptionally selected two winners for the Cor Baayen Award: Stratos Idreos, researcher in the Database Architectures group of the …

Cor Baayen Award 2011 for Stratos Idreos and Luca Mottola

CWI Database Architecture Group wins VLDB 2011 C&V best paper award

Martin Kersten, research fellow at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, received the Challenges & Visions Track best paper award during the 2011 International Conference on Very Large …

CWI Database Architecture Group wins VLDB 2011 C&V best paper award

Spinque wins cross-lingual PatOlympics

During the recently held PatOlympics (June 2011), an international competition between researchers competing interactively for locating the best search results in patent literature, Spinque, a spin-off company of the Centrum Wiskunde &a

Spinque wins cross-lingual PatOlympics

Stratos Idreos wins 2011 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award

Stratos Idreos wins 2011 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award

CWI spin-off company VectorWise sold to Ingres Corporation

The high-tech spin-off company VectorWise from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam has been sold to Ingres Corporation (USA), a leading open source database management company.

Martin Kersten appointed CWI Fellow

Martin Kersten appointed CWI Fellow