More on Networks and Optimization

Leader of the group Networks and Optimization (N&O): Daniel Dadush

N&O focuses on the development of efficient algorithms to solve complex optimization problems. We cover a broad spectrum of optimization aspects in our group. Our expertise ranges from discrete to continuous optimization and applies to centralized and decentralized settings. 

The key in our investigations is to understand and exploit combinatorial structures, such as graphs, networks, lattices and matroids. A distinguishing feature of our research is that we care about solution quality. That is, our methods provide a certificate (or proof) of optimality or near-optimality. Our research is of high scientific impact and contributes to various fields. 

In the autumn of 2022 we organized a Research Semester Programme on Polynomial Optimization and Applications.


Selected publication highlights of N&O (2011-2016): 

  • D. Aggarwal, D. Dadush, O. Regev, N. Stephens-Davidowitz. Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in 2n Time via Discrete Gaussian Sampling. Symp. Theory of Computing, 2015
  • K.R. Apt, B. de Keijzer, M. Rahn, G. Schäfer, S. Simon. Coordination Games on Graphs. International Journal of Game Theory, 2016
  • E. de Klerk, M. Laurent, Z. Sun. Convergence Analysis for Lasserre's Measure-Based Hierarchy of Upper Bounds for Polynomial Optimization. Math. Progr. A, 2016 (online);
  • J. Geelen, B. Gerards, G. Whittle. Solving Rota’s Conjecture. Notices of the AMS, 2014;
  • D.C. Gijswijt, H.D. Mittelmann, A. Schrijver. Semidefinite Code Bounds Based on Quadruple Distances. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012.

Complete list of publications (CWI repository)


Selected grants:

  • NWO ENW-GROOT grant for Nikhil Bansal and Monique Laurent (2020)
  • NWO Veni grant for Georgios Amanatidis (2019)
  • EU Marie Curie ITN grant (POEMA) for Monique Laurent (2018)
  • EU ERC Starting Grant for Daniel Dadush (2018)
  • NWO Vici grant for Nikhil Bansal (2018)
  • EU Marie Curie ITN grant (MINOA) for Monique Laurent (2017)
  • NWO Rubicon grant for David de Laat (2017)
  • NWO Veni grant for Daniel Dadush (2015)
  • ERC Advanced Grant for Lex Schrijver (2014)
  • NWO Gravitation Consortium NETWORKS, Lex Schrijver (co-applicant, 2013)
  • TOP Module-1 grant for Krzysztof Apt (2013)
  • TOP Module-1 grant for Monique Laurent (2013, with Nikhil Bansal and Ronald de Wolf)
  • Free Competition grant for Guido Schäfer (2013)
  • Veni grant for Ross Kang (2012)
  • EU Marie Curie ITN (MINO) for Monique Laurent (2012)

Prizes, Awards & Fellowships:

Below is a list of selected prizes, awards and fellowships which were awarded to members of N&O:

  • CWI Fellowship for Monique Laurent (2021)
  • Van Dantzig Prize for Daniel Dadush (2020)
  • KHMW Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities fellowship for Monique Laurent (2019)
  • KNAW Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences fellowship for Monique Laurent (2018)
  • SIAM fellowship for Monique Laurent (2017)
  • EURO Gold Medal by the Association of European Operational Societies (EURO) for Lex Schrijver (2015)
  • A.W. Tucker Prize by the Mathematical Optimization Society for Daniel Dadush (2015)
  • SIAG/Optimization Prize for Frank Vallentin (2011)
  • Honorary Doctorate from ELTE Budapest for Lex Schrijver (2011)
  • Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion for Jan Karel Lenstra (2011)
  • KNAW Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences fellowship for Lex Schrijver
  • Academia Europaea fellowship for Krzysztof Apt
  • Academia Europaea fellowship for Lex Schrijver
  • AMS fellowship for Lex Schrijver
  • SIAM fellowship for Lex Schrijver 


Our group runs a Seminar on Combinatorics and Optimization.

N&O organized several conferences, workshops and schools. Here are some recent examples: 

Complete list of conferences, workshops and schools


Below is a selected list of cooperations with our partners from industry, ministry and academia: