Speaker: Samarth Tiwari (CWI)
Title: On the Complexity of Branching Proofs
Date: Thursday 02 July, 2pm
Speaker: Bernard Zweers (CWI)
Title: Maximum Coverage with Cluster Constraints: An LP-Based Approximation Technique
Date: Thursday 18 June, 1:30pm
Speaker: Makrand Sinha (CWI)
Title: Online Vector Balancing and Geometric Discrepancy
Date: Thursday 28 May, 2pm
Speaker: Sophie Huiberts (CWI)
Title: Layered-least-squares interior point methods -- a combinatorial optimization perspective
Date: Thursday 14 May, 2pm
Speaker: Christian Coester (CWI)
Title: Online metric algorithms with untrusted predictions
Date: Thursday 07 May, 2pm
Speaker: Raghu Meka (UCLA)
Title: Secret Sharing Resilient against Leakage and Tampering
Date/Location: Wednesday 26 February, 11am, L016
Speaker: Gianpaolo Oriolo (Dicii - Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Title: A journey through the the stable set problem in claw-free graphs
Date/Location: Wednesday 27 November, 1:30pm, L120
Speaker: Jarek Byrka (University of Wroclaw)
Title: Breaching the 2-Approximation Barrier for Connectivity Augmentation: a Reduction to Steiner Tree
Date/Location: Monday 25 November, 2pm, L016
Speaker: Sebastian Pokutta (Zuse Institute & TU Berlin)
Title: Locally Accelerated Conditional Gradients
Date/Location: Wednesday 09
Speaker: Kim-Manuel Klein (Kiel University)
Title: About the Complexity of 2-Stage Stochastic IPs
Date/Location: Tuesday 24 September, 11am, L016
Speaker: Jesper Nederlof (TU Eindhoven)
Title: On the worst-case complexity of the Traveling Salesman Problem
Date/Location: Tuesday 17 September, 11am, L017
Speaker: Sahil Singla (Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study)
Title: Improved Truthful Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions with Submodular Bidders
Date/Location: Tuesday 27 August, 11am, L017
Speaker: William Umboh (University of Sydney)
Title: Lower Bounds for Parallel and Randomized Convex Optimization
Date/Location: Friday 26 July, 2pm, L016
Speaker: Aleksandar Nikolov (University of Toronto)
Title: Proportional Volume Sampling and Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Design
Date/Location: Wednesday 24 July, 11am, L016
Speaker: Cristobal Guzman (PUC-Chile)
Title: Lower Bounds for Parallel and Randomized Convex Optimization
Date/Location: Wednesday 10 July, 11am, L016
Speaker: Lucas Slot (CWI)
Title: Improved convergence analysis of Lasserre's measure-based upper bounds for polynomial minimization on compact sets
Date/Location: Wednesday 29 May, 11am, L016
Speaker: Adrien Taylor (ENS Paris)
Title: Computer-aided worst-case analyses and design of first-order methods
Date/Location: Wednesday 03 April, 11am, L016
Speaker: Christopher Hojny (TU Darmstadt)
Title: Strong IP Formulations Need Large Coefficients
Date/Location: Wednesday 27 March, 11am, L016
Speaker: Daniel Vaz (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
Title: A New Reduction-To-Tree Technique for Graph Connectivity Problems
Date/Location: Wednesday 20 February, 2pm, L016
Speaker: Marten Maack (Kiel University)
Title: New PTAS Results for Machine Scheduling
Date/Location: Wednesday 20 February, 11am, L016
Speaker: Pieter Kleer (CWI)
Title: The switch Markov chain for the uniform sampling of graphs with given degrees
Date/Location: Wednesday 06 February, 11am, L120
Speaker: Jan-Hendrik Lange (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
Title: Combinatorial persistency criteria for multicut
Date/Location: Wednesday 23 January, 2pm, L016
Speaker: Jeannette Janssen (Dalhousie university)
Title: Recognizing graphs formed by a spatial random process
Date/Location: Wednesday 9 January, 11am, L016
Speaker: Hans Bodlaender (UU)
Title: An ETH-Tight Algorithm for Euclidean TSP
Date/Location: Wednesday 5 December, 11am, L016
Speaker: David Harris (University of Maryland)
Title: Oblivious resampling oracles and parallel algorithms for the Lopsided Lovasz Local Lemma
Date/Location: Tuesday 4 December, 11am, L016
Speaker: Bart Jansen (TU/e)
Title: Gems in kernelization
Date/Location: Wednesday 28 November, 11am, L120
Speaker: David Wajc (CMU)
Title: The Greedy Algorithm is *Not* Optimal for On-line Edge Coloring
Date/Location: Friday 19 October, 2pm, L016
Speaker: Edouard Pauwels (IRIT, Universite Toulouse 3)
Title: Moment based data analysis
Date/Location: Wednesday 17 October, 11am, L016
Speaker: Fernando Oliveira (TU Delft)
Title: On the integrality gap of the maximum-cut SDP relaxation in fixed dimension
Date/Location: Wednesday 3 October, 11am, L016
Speaker: Yllka Velaj (CWI)
Title: Information spreading with network augmentation
Date/Location: Tuesday 11 September, 11am, L016
IG Seminar
Speaker: Cole Franks (Rutgers)
Title: Efficient algorithms for tensor scaling, quantum marginals and moment polytopes
Date/location: Tuesday 4 September, 2-3:30pm, L016
Speaker: David de Castro Silva (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro)
Title: Load-balanced bin packing problems: intractability and efficient algorithms
Date/Location: Tuesday 22 May, 11am, L016
Event: 6th SDP Day
Date/Location: Thursday, April 5th, room L017
Speaker: David Steurer (ETH Zurich)
Title: Improved clustering and robust moment estimation via sum-of-squares
Date/Location: Wednesday, March 28, 11am, room L016
IG Seminar
Speaker: Vera Traub (Bonn)
Title: Approaching 3/2 for the s-t-path TSP
Date/Location: Wednesday, March 14, 2-4pm, room L016
Speaker: David Schmoys (Cornell)
Title: Models and Algorithms for the Operation and Design of Bike-sharing Systems
Date/Location: Friday, March 9, 14:00, room L016
Speaker: Georgios Amanatidis (CWI)
Title: On Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Symmetric Submodular Objectives
Date/Location: Wednesday, February 14, 11:00, room L016
IG Seminar
Speaker: Sophie Huiberts (CWI)
Title: A Friendly Smoothed Analysis of the Simplex Method
Date/Location: Wednesday+Friday, February 7+9, 15:00, room L016
IG Seminar
Speaker: Sander Gribling (CWI)
Title: Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds
Date/Location: Wednesday + Friday, December 13+15, 13:00, room L016
Speaker: Georgios Birmpas (Athens University of Economics and Business and CWI)
Title: Truthful Allocation Mechanisms Without Payments: Characterization and Implications on Fairness
Date/Location: Wednesday, November 29, 14:00, room L016
Speaker: Mathias Staudigl (Maastricht)
Title: Stochastic Mirror Descent dynamics
Date/Location: Thursday November 23, 11:00, room L016
Speaker: Vangelis Markakis (Athens University of Economics and Business)
Title: On the Performance of Deferred-Acceptance Auctions
Date/Location: Thursday, November 16, 11:00, room L120
Speaker: Krzysztof Apt (CWI)
Title: Self-Stabilization Through the Lens of Game Theory
Date/Location: Wednesday, November 15, 11:00, room L016
Speaker: Samira Hossein Ghorban (IPM, Tehran, Iran and Maastricht University)
Title: Multi-games for Decision Making in Multi-environments
Date/Location: Wednesday 17 May, 11h00, room M290
Speaker: Thomas Dueholm Hansen (Aarhus University)
Title: Strategy iteration is strongly polynomial for 2-player turn-based stochastic games with a constant discount factor
Date/Location: Wednesday 29 March, 11am, L016
Speaker: Cristobal Guzman (CWI & Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Title: Great Tolls: How to induce optimal flows under strategic link owners
Date/Location: Wednesday 08 March, 11am, L016
Speaker: Stefan Weltge (ETH)
Title: Polytopes in the 0/1-Cube with Bounded Chvátal-Gomory Rank
Date/Location: Wednesday 22 February, 11h00, room L017
Speaker: Peter Kleer (CWI)
Title: Potential Function Minimizers of Combinatorial Congestion Games: Efficiency and Computation
Date/Location: Wednesday 15 February, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Jesper Nederlof (TU/e)
Title: Faster Space Efficient Algorithms for Subset Sum and Knapsack
Date/Location: Wednesday 8 February, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Ross Kang (Radboud)
Title: Colouring powers of graphs with one cycle length forbidden
Date/Location: Wednesday 1 February, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Rebecca Hoberg (University of Washington)
Title: Number Balancing is as hard as Minkowski's theorem
Date/Location: Wednesday 25 January, 11h00, room M290
Speaker: Neil Olver (VU)
Title: A Simpler and Faster Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Generalized Flow Maximization
Date/Location: Wednesday 14 December, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Matteo Seminaroti (CWI)
Title: Combinatorial Algorithms for the Seriation Problem
Date/Location: Wednesday 7 December, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Matthias Mnich (Bonn)
Title: New Algorithms for Maximum Disjoint Paths Based on Tree-Likeness
Date/Location: Wednesday 30 November, 11h00, room L120
Speaker: Utz Haus (Cray)
Title: Challenges at the Interface of Optimization and High Performance Computing and Analytics
Date/Location: Monday 21 November, 16h00, room L016
Farewell Lunch Seminar:
11:30am-12:15pm: Huck Bennett (NYU), On the Lattice Distortion Problem
12:30pm-1:15pm: Venkata Ganditoka (Purdue), NP-Hardness of Reed-Solomon Decoding and the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott Problem
Date/Location: Thursday 18 November, 11h30 - 1:15pm, room L120
Speaker: Shinichi Tanagawa (CWI)
Title: Singularity Degree of the Positive Semidefinite Matrix Completion Problem
Date/Location: Wednesday 11 November, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Antonio Campello (Imperial College)
Title: Random Ensembles of Algebraic Lattices
Date/Location: Thursday 20 October, 14h00, room L016
5th SDP Day, workshop on applications of semidefinite optimization
Date/Location: Thursday 30 June, from 10h30, room L120
Speaker: Frank Permenter (MIT)
Title: Dimension reduction for SDP's via Jordan algebras
Date/Location: Tuesday 28 June, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Joe Halpern (Cornell)
Title: Decision theory with resource-bounded agents
Date/location: Friday 17 June, 15h00, room L016
Speaker: Bodo Manthey (Twente)
Title: Smoothed Analysis of the 2-Opt Heuristic for the TSP
Date/location: Tuesday 14 June, 14h00, room L016
Speaker: Dion Gijswijt (Delft)
Title: Asymptotic upper bounds on progression-free sets in Z_p^n
Date/location: Thursday 09 June, 13h00, room L016
Speaker: Gustavo Angulo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: On a class of Stochastic Programs with Exponentially many Scenarios
Date/location: Wednesday 08 June, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Bernd Sturmfels (Berkeley)
Title: Tensors and Their Eigenvectors
Date/location: Wednesday 18 May, 14h00, room L016
Speaker: Aleksandar Nikolov (Toronto)
Title: Maximizing Determinants under Partition Constraints
Date/location: Wednesday 11 May, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Ola Svensson (EPFL)
Title: Approximating ATSP by Relaxing Connectivity
Date/location: Wednesday 20 April, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Jochen Koenemann (Waterloo)
Title: Network Bargaining - Where Bargaining & Matching Theory Meet
Date/location: Friday 18 March, 14h00, room L017
Speaker: Heiko Roglin (Bonn)
Title: Smoothed Analysis of the Successive Shortest Path Algorithm
Date/location: Wednesday 16 March, 11h00, room L017
Speaker: Cristobal Guzman (CWI)
Title: Statistical-Query Algorithms for Stochastic Convex Optimization
Date/location: Wednesday 02 March, 11h00, room L016
Speaker: Frank Permenter (MIT)
Title: A new approach to symmetry reduction
Date/location: Wednesday 17 February, 14h00, room L016
Speaker: Valerio Capraro (CWI)
Title: Understanding Human Behavior: A review of classical literature and novel insights
Date/location: Wednesday 10 February, 11h00, room L120
Speaker: Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (NYU)
Title: Solving SVP and CVP in 2^n Time via Discrete Gaussian Sampling (joint RISC / N&O seminar)
Date/location: Wednesday 27 January, 15h00, room L016