Speaker: Rolf van Lieshout (TU Eindhoven)
Title: An Improved Spanning Tree Formulation for the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem
Date: Wednesday, March 19
Speaker: Marco Scarsini (Luiss University)
Title: Approximation and Convergence of Large Atomic Congestion Games
Date + Location: Thursday, January 16, room L016
Speaker: Jens Schlöter (CWI Amsterdam)
Title: Alpha-Clairvoyant Flow Time Minimization
Date + Location: Wednesday, December 18, room L120
Speaker: Melle van Marle (Utrecht University)
Title: Greed Doesn’t (Always) Pay: Long Steepest Ascents for Valued Constraint Satisfaction
Date + Location: Wednesday, December 4, room M290
Speaker: Luis Felipe Vargas (IDSIA Lugano)
Title: A low-degree sum-of-squares bound for the stable set problem: A copositive approach
Date + Location: Wednesday, November 20, room L120
Speaker: Stefan Kober (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Title: Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 30, room L120
Speaker: Christoph Hertrich (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Title: Lower Bounds on the Depth of Integral ReLU Neural Networks via Lattice Polytopes
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 16, room L016
Speaker: Alexander Lindermayr (University of Bremen)
Title: Two-Edge Connectivity via Pac-Man Gluing
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 16, room L016
Speaker: Joakim Blikstad (KTH)
Title: Online Edge Coloring is (Nearly) as Easy as Offline
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 9, room L016
Speaker: Ilker Birbil (University of Amsterdam)
Title: Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization
Date + Location: Wednesday, September 25, room L016
Speaker: Moritz Venzin (Bocconi University)
Title: Stronger adversaries grow cheaper forests
Date + Location: Wednesday, July 31, room L016
Speaker: Bernhard von Stengel (London School of Economics)
Title: Zero-Sum Games and Linear Programming Duality
Date + Location: Friday, June 7, room L120
Speaker: Jeroen Zuiddam (CWI & UvA)
Title: Discreteness of asymptotic tensor ranks
Date + Location: Wednesday, May 29, room L016
Speaker: Jan van den Brand (Georgia Tech)
Title: Faster High-Accuracy Multi-Commodity Flow via Graph Technique
Date + Location: Tuesday, May 28, room L120
Speaker: Maike de Jong (Universiteit Twente)
Title: Optimizing Ising droplet growth using spatiotemporal Markov decision theory
Date + Location: Wednesday, May 15, room L016
Speaker: Frank Röttger (TU Eindhoven)
Title: Graphical models in extremes
Date + Location: Wednesday, May 1, room L016
Speaker: Tobias Sutter (Universität Konstanz)
Title: Policy Gradient Algorithms for Robust MDPs with Non-Rectangular Uncertainty Sets
Date + Location: Wednesday, April 10, room L016
Speaker: Leonie Kayser (MPI Leipzig)
Title: Hilbert Functions of Chopped Ideals
Date + Location: Monday, March 25, room L017
Speaker: Kirill Kukharenko (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Title: All 'round the Simplex Algorithm
Date + Location: Tuesday, March 13, room L017
Speaker: Yasamin Nazari (Vrije Universiteit)
Title: Approximate graph distance oracles
Date + Location: Tuesday, March 12, room L016
Speaker: Alexandra Lassota (TU Eindhoven)
Title: Parameterized Algorithms for Block-Structured Integer Programs with Large Entries
Date + Location: Wednesday, March 6, room L120
Speaker: Jesse van Rhijn (Universiteit Twente)
Title: Rigorous Analysis of Local Search Heuristics
Date + Location: Wednesday, February 28
Speaker: Alexander Taveira Blomenhofer (CWI)
Title: Nondefectivity of invariant secant varieties
Date + Location: Wednesday, February 21
Speaker: Nick Vannieuwenhoven (KU Leuven)
Title: Hadamard-Hitchcock decompositions
Date + Location: Wednesday, February 19
Speaker: Ferenc Bencs (CWI)
Title: Random coloring of the infinite regular tree
Date + Location: Wednesday, February 07
Speaker: Steven Kelk (Maastricht University)
Title: Deep kernelization for the Tree Bisection and Reconnnect (TBR) distance in phylogenetics
Date + Location: Wednesday, January 31
Speaker: Bento Natura (UC Berkeley & Georgia Tech)
Title: The computational complexity of Interior Point Methods for Fast Exact Linear Programming
Date + Location: Wednesday, December 20 at 11.00, room L016
Speaker: Ragnar Groot Koerkamp (ETH Zurich)
Title: Exact global alignment using A*
Date + Location: Wednesday, December 13 at 11.00, room L016
Speaker: Antonios Varvitsiotis (Singapore University of Technology)
Title: Identifying and controlling agent behavior in games using limited data
Date + Location: Thursday, December 7 at 11.00, room L016
Speaker: Constantin Ickstadt (University of Frankfurt)
Title: Semidefinite Games
Date + Location: Wednesday, December 6 at 11.00, room L1016
Speaker: Sophie Huiberts (CNRS)
Title: Complexity of the simplex method
Date + Location: Wednesday, November 15 at 11.00, room L120
Speaker: Artem Tsikiridis (CWI)
Title: Partial Allocations in Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design: Bridging Multiple Levels of Service and Divisible Agents
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 18 at 11.00, room L016
Speaker: Viktoriia Borovik (Universität Osnabrück)
Title: Solving systems of polynomial equations using Khovanskii bases
Date + Location: Wednesday, October 4 at 11.00, room L016
Speaker: Philipp di Dio (Universität Konstanz)
Title: Gaussian Mixtures from Derivatives of Moment Functionals to the Heat Equation
Date + Location: Friday, July 7 at 15:00, room L017
Speaker: Philipp di Dio (Universität Konstanz)
Title: Gaussian Mixtures from Derivatives of Moment Functionals to the Heat Equation
Date + Location: Friday, July 7 at 15:00, room L017
Speaker: Haotian Jiang ( University of Washington + MSR Redmond )
Title: Resolving Matrix Spencer Conjecture Up to Poly-logarithmic Rank
Date + Location: Wednesday May 31st, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Victor Reis (University of Washington)
Title: The Subspace Flatness Conjecture and Faster Integer Programming
Date + Location: Wednesday May 24, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Wouter Koolen-Wijkstra (CWI)
Title: On Optimisation Problems arising in Pure Exploration
Date + Location: Wednesday March 1st, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Pengfei Wang (CNRS - LIRMM Montpellier)
Title: Combinatorics of period sets
Date + Location: Wednesday February 15, 11:00, L016 and online
Speaker: Jasper van Bemmelen (TU Delft/CWI)
Title: "AmpliVar: an optimized amplicon sequencing approach to estimating SARS-CoV-2 abundances in wastewater"
Date + Location: Wednesday January 25, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Sander Borst (CWI)
Title: Integrality Gaps for Random Integer Programs via Discrepancy
Date + Location: Wednesday December 7, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Kemal Rose (MPI MIS Leipzig)
Title: Algebraic optimization of decision rules
Date/Location: Wednesday October 26th, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Simon Telen (CWI)
Title: Toric geometry of entropic regularization
Date/Location: Wednesday October 12th, 11:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Kevin Shu (Georgia Tech)
Title: Sparse Quadratic Programs via Polynomial Roots
Date/Location: Wednesday September 28th, 16:00, L017 and online
Speaker: Ferenc Bencs (University of Amsterdam)
Title: A uniqueness result about Gibbs measures
Date/Location: Friday August 26th, 11am, L120 and online
Speaker: Sophie Klumper (CWI)
Title: Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Procurement Auctions with Divisible Agents
Date/Location: Wednesday July 6th, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Stefan Schmid (TU Berlin)
Title: Self-Adjusting Networks
Date/Location: Wednesday June 15th, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Carla Groenland (Utrecht University)
Title: Universal Graphs and Labelling Schemes
Date/Location: Wednesday May 4th, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Pieter Kleer (Tilburg University)
Title: Optimal Stopping Theory for a Distributionally Robust Seller
Date/Location: Wednesday April 13th, 11am, L016 and online
Speaker: Tristan van Leeuwen (CWI)
Title: Optimisation challenges in computational imaging
Date/Location: Wednesday March 30th, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Marten van Dijk (CWI)
Title: Asynchronous SGD over Distributed Local Data Sets with Differential Privacy
Date/Location: Wednesday March 16nd, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Samarth Tiwari (CWI)
Title: Hide & Seek: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel Networks
Date/Location: Wednesday March 2nd, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Alex L. Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Title: First-order methods for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programs
Date: Wednesday February 16nd, 4pm, online and L017
Speaker: Sven Polak (CWI)
Title: Mutually Unbiased Bases: Polynomial Optimization and Symmetry
Date/Location: Wednesday February 2nd, 11am, L017 and online
Speaker: Ruben Brokkelkamp (CWI)
Title: Capturing Corruption with Hybrid Auctions
Date: Thursday July 1st, 11am
Speaker: Marek Elias (CWI)
Title: Differentially Private Release of Synthetic Graphs
Date: Thursday June 17th, 1:30pm
Speaker: Sander Borst (CWI)
Title: On the Integrality Gap of Binary Integer Programs with Gaussian Data
Date: Tuesday May 11th, 1pm
Speaker: Willem Feijen (CWI)
Title: Using Machine Learning Predictions to Speed-up Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
Date: Thursday April 1st, 11am
Speaker: Simon Telen (MPI Leipzig)
Title: Eigenvalue methods for solving polynomial systems
Date: Wednesday March 17th, 2pm