Software Analysis and Transformation group news
Floor Sietsma awarded 'Nerd van het Jaar 2012'
Researcher at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam Floor Sietsma is awarded by Quest readers as Nerd of the Year 2012. In the race she left her main competitors Diederik …
Theme CWI Lectures 2012 ‘Understanding Software’
The theme of the annual CWI Lectures that takes place 14 June 2012 is 'Understanding Software. The size of software systems ranges from dozens to hundreds of millions lines of code. Programming …
Paul Klint appointed CWI Fellow
IBM Scientific Award 2010 awarded to Alexandra Silva
The IBM Scientific Prize 2010 was presented on 18 October 2011 to Alexandra Silva, for her PhD research at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam.
Rascal for Easy Meta-Programming
Rascal is a new meta-programming language that was launched by CWI at the Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, 6-11 July, in Braga, Portugal.
French-Dutch IT co-operation started with ATEAMS project
Industry benefits from modelling
On Thursday 13 November Joost Jacob received his PhD for his research on models to describe software systems.
Safer cash withdrawal from ATMs with mathematics
Software faults can be expensive - for instance in automated teller machines (ATMs). Quality control should avoid such faults, but this is often a cumbersome, expensive and erroneous task. Jens Calamé from …