Stochastics group news
CWI starts development of statistical framework for prediction of fires
Recently, a project submitted to NWO-TTW's open technology programme by a consortium consisting of researchers from CWI, UT, Thales and the Twente Fire Brigade has been granted.
CWI develops new mathematical tools for analysis of rare events
PhD student Bohan Chen of CWI’s Stochastics group, developed new mathematical tools for rare event analysis. Chen’s PhD research has mainly focused on large deviations theory and rare-event simulation in heavy-tailed settings.
NWO KLEIN grant for Stacey Jeffery and Marie Colette van Lieshout
CWI researchers Stacey Jeffery and Marie Colette van Lieshout have been awarded a grant from the NWO KLEIN programme.
Amsterdam based Knowledge and health care institutes join forces to improve urgent care for the elderly
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam health & technology institute (ahti), and health care institution SIGRA have joined forces in a new research project called “DOLCE VITA”.
ELA Best Presentation award for Bernard Zweers
Bernard Zweers of CWI’s Stochastics group has been awarded the best presentation award at the 24th doctorate workshop of the European Logistics Association.
CWI develops models for prevention and reduction of traffic jams
Daphne van Leeuwen of CWI’s Stochastics group focused on the following research question during her PhD: How to design effective control mechanisms to reduce or prevent congestion road networks in the omnipresence …
CWI, EIT Digital, Spirit, and UPM launch Innovation Activity ''G-Moji' - an impressive smartphone application to improve lives of …
Dutch youth care organization Spirit, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), join forces in the new innovation activity of EIT Digital.
CWI en Stichting 113 zetten data analytics in voor zelfmoordpreventie
Elke dag sterven er 5 mensen in Nederland door zelfdoding. Mensen met suïcidale gedachten kunnen 24x7 en anoniem een beroep doen op het online hulpaanbod met crisishulplijnen, online therapie en zelfhulp van …