Stochastics group news
Marie-Colette van Lieshout appointed professor in Spatial Stochastics
Starting 1 February 2015, Marie-Colette van Lieshout of CWI has been appointed Professor of Spatial Stochastics at the University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Arnoud den Boer wins Gijs de Leve prize
Arnoud den Boer, former PhD student of CWI, has been awarded the Gijs de Leve Prize. The prize was awarded last week at the annual congress of the LNMB, the Dutch Network …
Rob van der Mei nominated for Huibregtsen Prize 2014
Rob van der Mei, researcher in the Stochastics group of CWI, is nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize 2014.
CWI in wetenschapsprogramma ‘De Kennis van Nu’
Ongelukken gebeuren niet random, daar zit een patroon in. Door gebruik te maken van historische data kunnen beschikbare ambulances slimmer worden ingezet.
Honorable mention Arnoud den Boer
Arnoud den Boer, former PhD student at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam) has received an honorable mention from the jury of the VVS/OR van Zwet Award for his thesis …
New models for improving service levels in large scale ICT systems
ICT systems, such as international on-line banking and social media, have evolved into global-scale service chains and have become increasingly complex.
ERCIM News on Mobile Computing published
In April ERCIM News No. 93 on Mobile Computing was published (pdf).
Best Paper Award at ICORES 2013
Researchers Nir Perel from Tel Aviv University, Jan-Pieter Dorsman (CWI and TU/e) and Maria Vlasiou (CWI and TU/e) won the Best Paper Award for their paper ‘Cyclic-type polling models with preparation times’ …