On 18 and 19 September the 10-year anniversary of the RISC seminar series on cryptography was celebrated with a two-day RISC Seminar on Theory of Cryptography at the Trippenhuis, home of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Organizer was Ronald Cramer, head of the Cryptology Group at CWI, professor at Leiden University and Member of the KNAW.
Speakers were current and former group members, and long-term guests of the Cryptology Group at CWI, such as Ignacio Cascudo (Aarhus University, Denmark), Javier Herranz (UPC Barcelona, Spain), Max Fillinger (CWI), Gabriele Spini (CWI and Leiden University), Oriol Farràs (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain), Carles Padró (UPC Barcelona, Spain), Marc Stevens (CWI), Diego Mirandola (CWI and Leiden University), Berry Schoenmakers (TU/e, The Netherlands), Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST, Austria), and Dennis Hofheinz (KIT, Germany). Marc Stevens spoke on 'Counter-cryptanalysis: secure use of weak standards'.
Picture: Participants of the RISC Seminar at the Trippenhuis celebrate 10 years of cryptography workshops. Top row: Ronald Cramer (CWI and Leiden University; on the left) and Hendrik Lenstra (Leiden University). Source: CWI.
More information on the two-day seminar: https://projects.cwi.nl/crypto/TOC2014/?p=home
RISC meetings in general: https://projects.cwi.nl/crypto/risc.php
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