The research of Bert Zwart is on the probabilistic analysis of models inspired by a diverse set of practical problems such as Internet congestion, call centers, and dynamic pricing. A new source of inspiration in Bert's research is the advent of renewable energy sources in the power grid, leading to exciting problems in applied probability. At TU/e Bert will seek collaborations that are of mutual strategic interest to TU/e and CWI, focusing on risk analysis and mitigation in logistics and energy networks.
Bert Zwart obtained his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2001 after carrying out his research at CWI. After one year of postdoctoral research at Inria (France), Zwart worked as senior lecturer at TU/e and associate professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. In 2008 he joined CWI, where he became group leader of the Stochastics group in 2010. He received multiple grants and honours, including a Vidi grant and the Erlang Prize from The Applied Probability Society for best researcher under the age of 36 in the field of Applied Probability, both in 2008. From 2009 to 2015, Zwart held a position as part-time full professor at the VU University of Amsterdam.
Bert Zwart appointed professor at TU/e
Bert Zwart has been appointed professor of Stochastic Operations Research at the Eindhoven University of Technology's (TU/e) department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Publication date
30 Jan 2015
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Bert Zwart has been appointed professor of Stochastic Operations Research at the Eindhoven University of Technology's (TU/e) department of Mathematics and Computer Science. It is a part-time appointment per 1 February 2015 that Zwart will combine with his position as leader of the Stochastics group at CWI.