Gábor Szárnyas (CWI), Jack Waudby (Newcastle University), Benjamin A. Steer (Pometry), Dávid Szakállas, Altan Birler (Technische Universität München), Mingxi Wu (TigerGraph), Yuchen Zhang (TigerGraph) and Peter Boncz (CWI) have received the Best Paper Award for their paper “The LDBC Social Network Benchmark: Business Intelligence Workload” in the Experiment, Analysis, & Benchmark Track. The award was presented at a plenary session at the 49th VLDB 2023 in Vancouver.
The paper marks the finalization of almost a decade of research in academia and industry via the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC), founded by CWI database researcher Peter Boncz. It is focused on The Social Network Benchmark’s Business Intelligence workload (SNB BI): a comprehensive graph OLAP benchmark targeting analytical data systems capable of supporting graph workloads. The paper describes how SNB BI advances the state-of-the art in synthetic and scalable analytical database benchmarks in many aspects. More information can be found in the paper
CWI’s Database Architectures (DA) group has a strong presence at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases in Vancouver, Canada. They presented 7 papers in 3 different tracks.