Better planning for trains with mathematical models - this is the subject of the dissertation of Gabor Maroti of the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI). Maroti studied several optimization models for tactical and operational planning and maintenance routing. He looked at efficiency, robustness (immunity for failures) and service level for clients - their chances to have a seat. With the models, NS can compare these aspects quantitatively and choose a good balance between them. Maroti describes a reduction in costs of millions of euros, realized by using the concept of one of his models at NS.
CWI has much experience with planning for trains. Spinoza Prize winner Lex Schrijver developed software for many optimizing problems at NS, such as CADANS, used for the new railroad timetable (2007) of NS. Maroti's research at CWI was funded by the training network Algorithmic Methods for Optimizing the Railways in Europe (AMORE) of the European Union, by NS Reizigers, the Bsik-programme BRICKS and the TU/e. Maroti defended his thesis 'Operations Research Models for Railway Rolling Stock Planning' on April 12, 2006, at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e).