Call for nominations Van Wijngaarden Award 2016

Every five years Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam presents the Van Wijngaarden Award to a mathematician and computer scientist of special significance. At least one of them is a woman. The next award ceremony will take place in 2016, the centenary of Van Wijngaarden.

Publication date
26 Nov 2015

Every five years Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam presents the Van Wijngaarden Award to a mathematician and computer scientist of special significance. At least one of them is a woman. The next award ceremony will take place in 2016, the centenary of Van Wijngaarden. CWI invites you to submit nominations.

The award is named after Adriaan van Wijngaarden (1916-1987), informatics pioneer and former director of the Mathematisch Centrum, now known as CWI. Previous prize winners were Persi Diaconis (Stanford University) and Nancy Lynch (MIT) in 2006, and John Butcher (University of Auckland) and Éva Tardos (Cornell University) in 2011.

The jury consists of Wan Fokkink, Mathisca de Gunst, Jan Karel Lenstra (chair), Jan van Neerven and Eelco Visser. Please send your nomination with a supporting letter before 31 December 2015 to jury secretary Jurgen Vinju (

Picture: Aad van Wijngaarden behind his desk at the Mathematisch Centrum. Source: CWI.

Upper picture: The Van Wijngaarden Award consists of a bronze sculpture of Hanneke van den Bergh. Source: CWI.