CWI research evaluated as ‘exceptionally high quality with strong societal relevance’

An international evaluation committee concludes that CWI shows scientific top leadership in many ways: CWI’s research is of exceptionally high quality with strong societal relevance.

Publication date
30 May 2024

Furthermore, the committee stated that the institute is "well connected through collaborations with national and international institutions, societal partners and industry." The evaluation covered the institute’s work in the 2017-2022 period.

The two-day-site visit by the evaluation committee of experts in the field of mathematics and computer science, took place in November 2023, according to the six-yearly ‘Strategy Evaluation Protocol’ of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). NWO announced the results of the evaluation of its nine institutes on 27 May 2024.

Excellent research, strong international position and geared to the future

The committee praises CWI’s ambitions and the Strategic Plan 2022-2027: “...the four focus areas … are well-chosen and help position CWI strongly in the Dutch and international research landscape. They are aligned with societal technological needs.”

“CWI provides an excellent example of how research at the intersection of mathematics and computer science can lead to exceptional, innovative, and impactful research results. The institute has a strong reputation internationally across all four focus areas, especially at the intersection of mathematics and computer science.”

The committee also gave several recommendations. For instance, the committee encourages CWI to continue efforts regarding gender diversity, and to showcase strengths and increase visibility, both nationally and internationally.

site visit 2023
The evaluation committee visits CWI's FleX-ray Lab

CWI continues strengthening collaboration with universities

Ton de Kok, director of CWI, is happy with the outcome of the evaluation: “This report has made clear that CWI maintains its reputation of a highly influential research institute with excellent scientific output that is relevant to society. This is something we can be proud of. At the same time, in line with our strategy, we will continue on further establishing our national role by focusing on collaborating with Dutch universities, and partners from industry and society. We aim to support the research careers of mathematicians and computer scientists form Dutch universities, for example through the research semester programs we jointly develop, and by hosting researchers in whatever way fits them.

CWI’s positive evaluation has been consistent over the past two decades, as CWI was rated ‘world leading’ in 2012 and 2019 as well.