NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, has awarded subsidies to 17 computer science projects in four research programmes - CATCH, FOCUS, GLANCE and VIEW. CWI researchers participate in several projects and are coordinating three of them, receiving approximately 500,000 euro each. The Continuous Access To Cultural Heritage (CATCH) programme aims at making collections digitally accessible. Reinforcing Computer Science (FOCUS) stimulates fundamental computer science research. It is part of the Bsik program BRICKS, developed by CWI and NWO. GlobAl computer scieNCE (GLANCE) looks after scalability of techniques for the next internet generations. The Visual Interactive Effective Worlds (VIEW) programme stimulates visualization research.
CWI project leaders
Within the GLANCE programme, Farhad Arbab (CWI and University of Leiden) will develop a coordination model to control the quality of large-scale software applications. For FOCUS, CWI Fellow Jan Willem Klop (Vrije Universiteit, CWI and Radboud University) will interconnect and extend the methodologies of formal methods, coalgebra and term rewriting. Finally, in the VIEW programme Robert van Liere (CWI and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) will develop quantitative methods to evaluate virtual reality systems effectively. The new research programmes aim at reinforcing computer science in the Netherlands. Their scientific content is in agreement with the goals of the new Netherlands' research agenda in ICT (NOAG-ict), presented on July 5.
More information can be found on NWO's press release on the research programmes, the goals of NOAG-ict (NWO) or the complete NOAG-ict text