At the university's Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS), Hannes Mühleisen will research the architecture and design of analytical data management systems. "Those systems are crucial components to modern data-driven applications, and their development is critical to getting a grip on the big questions of our digital society. Through our research, we aim to create universally-useful software artefacts that change the way how data systems work in the real world."
"I am looking forward to joining ICIS to teach and hopefully inspire the next generations of computer scientists, and to collaborating with Radboud’s research teams on Data Engineering challenges", adds Mühleisen.
About Hannes Mühleisen
Mühleisen (Stuttgart, 1984) graduated in 2010 at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He got his PhD, titled ‘Architecture-Independent Distributed Query Processing’ at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2012. Following this, he joined the Database Architectures Group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam as a post-doc, and later as a researcher.
In 2022, while at CWI, he received an NWO Vidi grant of 800.000 euros to develop a framework to create a Responsible Decentralized Data Architecture. He will combine his appointment at Radboud University with being a senior researcher at CWI, and as CEO of DuckDB Labs.