Less food waste through automated quality control

Agricultural products typically have more variation within the same batch of products than processed foods. The development of advanced imaging techniques makes it possible to improve the accuracy of agricultural product quality control. This makes an important contribution to the development of sustainable agriculture.

Publication date
1 Mar 2024

The project investigates computational imaging and machine learning techniques to further optimize current quality control and sorting processes. In particular, the research focuses on the development of multimodal 3D imaging techniques that provide more accurate, non-destructive detection of defects. Such defects are typically difficult to detect with current 2D approaches.

The Netherlands is home to several leading developers of advanced processing and sorting solutions for the food industry. The techniques developed are directly applicable in fruit sorting, where the use of computer vision is already at an advanced stage. In the longer term, these techniques can be applied in other food processing industries, such as poultry and potatoes.

This project is carried out by CWI's Computational Imaging research group and is co-funded by Holland High Tech with PPP funding for research and development in the top sector HTSM.