Martin Kersten advisor Philips Research

Philips Research has appointed Martin Kersten as an advisor on database technology for its ambient intelligence program. Ambient intelligence covers a wide array of technologies for creating electronic environments sensitive to people. It ranges from digital patient files that store the latest heart monitor data to home entertainment systems adapting to their users' moods.

Publication date
29 Apr 2004
Philips Research has appointed Martin Kersten as an advisor on database technology for its ambient intelligence program. Ambient intelligence covers a wide array of technologies for creating electronic environments sensitive to people. It ranges from digital patient files that store the latest heart monitor data to home entertainment systems adapting to their users' moods.

This requires the development of sensors, advanced data processing algorithms, and flexible networks connecting the different devices and sensors. Ambient intelligence also calls for 'organic' databases that can store and manage data in these continuously changing networks.

Kersten leads CWI's Information Systems department and the Database Architectures and Information Access group. He also holds a chair in Information Systems at the University of Amserdam. Kersten has been working on databases for more than 25 years. He has designed three generations of database management system kernels, two of which have reached the market. Furthermore, he is co-founder of the data-mining software developer DataDistilleries, which has been purchased by SPSS.

More information can be found on INS1's website, the ambient database project pages or the MonetDB pages, INS1's latest database management system