Jonas Helsen is principal investigator of the awarded NGF project ‘Rolling the quantum dice: better quantum computers through randomness’. He explains: “Quantum computers are an exciting future technology, promising advances in material science, medicine and many other places. However, building them is difficult, because quantum systems are fragile and complex. In this project we will harness the power of randomness —the rolling of dice— combined with advanced mathematical techniques, to design more efficient ways to learn about the noise in quantum computers. In this way, we can have better quantum computers, faster”.
About Jonas Helsen
Jonas Helsen is a tenure-track researcher in CWI's Algorithms and Complexity group and is affiliated with Qusoft. For his thesis 'Quantum information in the real world: Diagnosing and correcting errors in practical quantum devices' he received his PhD (cum laude) at Delft University of Technology in 2019. In 2023, Helsen received a Veni subsidy.