Rob van der Mei, researcher in the Stochastics group of CWI, is nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize 2014. The Huibregtsen Prize is granted for scientific research in the Netherlands that is remarkably innovative and has a high societal impact. The winner will be announced on the Evening of Science & Society, 6 October, in the Ridderzaal in The Hague. Sander Dekker, State Secretary of Education, Culture and Science, will award the prize.
Research projects of the Stochastics group focus on logistic processes in our society in which uncertainty plays a crucial role and resources are scarce. In these processes bottlenecks manifest themselves at many levels such as in mobile networks, transportation, complex large-scale ICT systems, emergency services and call centers. The main topic in the work of van der Mei is the development, analysis and optimization of quantitative mathematical models to improve the performance in these logistics processes.
Members of the jury are: Hans Clevers (KNAW, chairman), Dorret Boomsma (VU), Dirk van Delft (Museum Boerhaave/UL), Vincent Icke (UL/UvA), Paul Schnabel (UU), Aart van der Want (PBT). The jury has selected six nominees. The other nominees are Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University), Bart van den Hurk (KNMI), Anita Jansen (Maastricht University), John Kastelein (University of Amsterdam), Ton Schumacher (INKI-AVL).