On 25 August 2008 the 16th International Smalltalk Joint Conference started at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. Paul Klint (CWI and UvA) and Stéphane Ducasse (INRIA) welcomed over 150 attendants from all over the world. The conference was organized by the European Smalltalk usergroup - ESUG.
Smalltalk is a dynamic, reflexive programming language. Originating in the 1970s it still influences the development of programming languages and technologies. Well over 40 presentations gave the state of affairs for Smalltalk related programming language platforms (such as Newspeak), web frame works (like SeaSide) and model driven engineering (MDE). On 26 August the Meta Environment, developed at CWI, was presented. The Innovation Awards, sponsored by ABN AMRO, were also granted. The conference ended on August 29.
More information: homepage van de 16th International Smalltalk Joint Conference 2008 and the homepage of the Meta Environment