The paper is titled “ShareYourReality: Investigating Haptic Feedback and Agency in Virtual Avatar Co-embodiment” by Karthikeya Puttur Venkatraj, Wo Meijer, Monica Perusquía-Hernández, Gijs Huisman, and Abdallah El Ali.
The ACM CHI’24 sustainability committee announced the debut of a Special recognition for papers that take exceptional measures toward sustainable research practices. The initiative aims at drawing attention to sustainable research and celebrating authors’ dedication to sustainability. This honour was open to any project that has taken steps to be more sustainable such as purchasing recycled materials, reducing electronics waste and other creative ways that HCI researchers could consider to make their work more sustainable. More information here.
Karthikeya Venkatraj and Abdallah El Ali from DIS group received Runner-up for the track on Research Teams with Inspirational Research Practices. For the experiments in the article, all physical material used was digitised and physical copies were then recycled (e.g., papers, batteries), digital versions of questionnaires were used wherever possible (e.g., collecting demographics data from participants) and all the equipment that was used in this research was sourced from university labs, no new equipment was procured to conduct this research.