Stokhos and LIS GmbH sign Letter of Intent in presence of state secretary Sander Dekker

On April 24 2017 CWI spin-off Stokhos and German software company LIS Leitstellen Informations System GmbH have signed a Letter of Intent in presence of State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker. This happened at the Hannover Messe, the largest annual technology trade fair.

Publication date
20 Apr 2017

On April 24 2017 CWI spin-off Stokhos and German software company LIS Leitstellen Informations System GmbH have signed a Letter of Intent in presence of State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker. This happened at the Hannover Messe, the largest annual technology trade fair.

Ambulances on-site faster
Stokhos provides software solutions which enable the proactive relocation of emergency services based on predictions of future demand. LIS GmbH develops software for emergency control rooms for the German market. By signing the LOI the two companies agreed on executing a first pilot for the German market in the region of Nordhausen. The goal of this pilot is to investigate whether the software that realizes faster response time of ambulances could be extended to the German and Austrian market eventually. Vincent van den Brekel (CEO, Stokhos): ”We are very happy with the fact that we found a suitable partner with thorough knowledge of the circumstances regarding emergency aid in Germany. Our common goal is to make sure ambulances will be on-site faster in the region of Nordhausen and the rest of Germany soon with the support of our software.”

Cross-border cooperation
The organization of emergency aid in Germany cannot be compared to the situation in The Netherlands one on one. In the German situation only one sort of emergency calls is used and first aid is provided by emergency doctors that cannot be relocated. In The Netherlands emergency calls can be divided into two categories: in severe cases emergency aid has to be on-site in a maximum of 15 minutes and all other cases should be dealt within 30 minutes. To be able to study the German situation as accurate as possible and to map all relevant regional issues an demands, employees of Stokhos will be present on-site in Germany as of the start of the pilot. Van den Brekel: “Because of the specific regional demands, it is very useful that Nordhausen provides us with data that allow us to execute our research. We expect to be able to present the first results by the end of this year.” Stokhos has been cooperating with the GGD Flevoland successfully for some time already and will soon report about new domestic collaborations. It is expected that eventually more new international partnerships will follow. Besides that Stokhos plans to extend its services to other areas like the fire brigade, police and taxi services as well.

More information

- NWO at the Hannover Messe