
CWI publishes on a regular basis news item about our research, education and the social impact of this research. In addition to news items, we publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI tackling social issues.

CWI spin-off DuckDB Labs partners with MotherDuck, who raises $47.5 million

CWI spin-off company DuckDB Labs helped create startup MotherDuck, which aims to connect DuckDB to the cloud. MotherDuck managed to raise $47.5 million, they announced this week.

CWI spin-off DuckDB Labs partners with MotherDuck, who raises $47.5 million

Uncovering hidden features inside art objects in an interactive environment

In the past years, X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) has been used to visualise the interior of objects in 3D. For example within the NICAS and NWO funded Impact4Art project by CWI and …

CWI algemeen 2022 09 06-139

NWO hangs out rainbow flag during Coming Out day

On 11 October, Coming Out day is celebrated. NWO/NWO-I celebrates this day by hanging out the rainbow flag. Léon Ouwerkerk, P&O advisor at CWI and LGBTI+ coordinator for the entire of NWO …

NWO hangs out rainbow flag during Coming Out day

Viewing computer science through the lens of cryptography

On Friday 30 September 2022 Christian Schaffner gives his inaugural lecture as professor in theoretical computer science at UvA. Besides his work as a group leader at UvA, he will remain working …

Viewing computer science through the lens of cryptography

Futureproofing computer security

Computer systems need advanced mathematical tools to disguise or encrypt our information and keep it safe from prying eyes.

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CWI involved in two primary Post-Quantum Cryptography standards

Cryptographic standards to protect sensitive electronic data against the threat of quantum computers have finally been selected by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Léo Ducas from CWI's Cryptology …

CWI involved in two Post-Quantum Cryptography standards

Diving into cultural data

Interview with Laura Hollink, group leader of CWI's Human-Centered Data Analytics group, for I/O magazine.

Laura Hollink in I/O Magazine: Diving into cultural data

Remote, but still together

After two years of COVID-19 we all know that communicating through a flat screen is exhausting. Since long before that, Pablo Cesar, group leader of CWI's DIS group and professor at TU …

Human-Centered Multimedia: making remote togetherness possible