Tijs van der Storm appointed at University of Groningen

Tijs van der Storm has been appointed professor of Software Engineering at the University of Groningen (RUG)  It is a part-time appointment per 1 September 2016 that Van der Storm will combine with his position as researcher in the Software Analysis and Transformation (SWAT) group at CWI.

Publication date
29 Aug 2016

Tijs van der Storm has been appointed professor of Software Engineering at the University of Groningen (RUG)  It is a part-time appointment per 1 September 2016 that Van der Storm will combine with his position as researcher in the Software Analysis and Transformation (SWAT) group at CWI.

In his research, Tijs van der Storm focuses on keeping software evolvable. Currently, software systems are growing larger and larger, making them harder to maintain. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) provide a way to raise the level of abstraction in software development to make software easier to understand and change. Van der Storm investigates the construction, combination and evolution of DSLs.  He is one of the designers of Rascal, a DSL for meta programming, and of Ensō, a model-driven programming framework. At the University of Groningen, Van der Storm will continue his current work on modular techniques for DSL development and improving DSL programming environments through the application of "live programming" techniques.

Tijs van der Storm obtained his PhD at CWI in 2007, and became a scientific staff member at the SWAT group afterwards. He is an active member in the software engineering and programming languages community and frequently appears as a speaker at (inter)national conferences. Van der Storm also holds a Master of Arts degree in Literary Theory.


Image: UvA