Stefano Bocconi (PhD defense November 30 at TU/e) will be interviewed by Noorderlicht Radio on Tuesday November 28 2006. He will talk about the Vox Populi system which automatically generates video documentaries from semantically annotated media repositories.
Stefano Bocconi: "While online video repositories can contain several hours of documentary footage, users are usually interested only in a part of that material. The motivation for this research is, therefore, to enable an alternative authoring process for film documentarists to make all their material dynamically available to users, without having to edit a static final cut that would select out possible informative footage. Our approach is tested by implementing a system called Vox Populi that realizes a user-driven generation of rhetoric-based video sequences. The user can specify the topic as well as the characters of the rhetorical dialogue and the rhetoric form of the presentation."
For a demo of Vox Populi, please visit
The interview will be aired on Tuesday November 28 2006. Radio 1 10:04-10:45 hrs.
After transmission the interview will be available on