How can lightning create X-rays? Why do thin streamers branch faster than large ones? Why are positive discharges faster than negative ones? These topics were discussed by researchers from mathematics, physics, electro engineering, lightning research and industry during the workshop 'Streamers, sprites, leaders, lightning: from micro to macro scales'.
Ute Ebert (CWI and TU/e) organised this workshop together with geophysicist Davis Sentman (Fairbanks, Alaska) from 8 to 12 October 2007. The conference handled the analogies between all kinds of discharge phenomena: from millimeter-sized streamers in a spark plug to jumbo-sized sprites - dozens of kilometers large discharges in the atmosphere.
The workshop took place at the Lorentz Center in Leiden.
More information can be found on MAS3's website, the workshop website with programme and abstracts or Ute Ebert's homepage