Francien Bossema

Full Name
F.G. Bossema
+31 20 592 4162
Francien Bossema


In December 2017 I joined CWI for a master thesis internship. After finishing my masters, I returned in October 2018 to start a PhD in the Computational Imaging group. My project is a collaboration between this group and the Rijksmuseum. The goal is to scan art objects with a CT-scanner to look inside them and answer art historical questions, for example to discover their making process. For my bachelors I studied Mathematics and Physics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Afterwards I did a master Mathematics at Leiden University, with a focus on applied mathematics and a specialisation in Science Communication and Society. I enjoy presenting interesting scientific work to a broad audience and hope to be able to integrate this in the PhD project.


All publications


  • NWO Team Science Award (2022)
  • Student Award for Best Presentation (PhD level) at AmeriDendro 2022 (2022)

Professional activities

  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of museum objects, Technart Conference Lisbon
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: PhD research in the Rijksmuseum, Talking Maths in Public conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • Speaker: Workshop Visualising the exterior and interior of art objects in 3D, 2+3D Photography conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Speaker: Invited keynote speaker: Unravelling art objects using X-ray CT, Science and Art X Science and technology applied to Heritage conservation, Madrid
  • Speaker: Unravelling Art: Using X-ray CT Scans to Look Inside Art Objects, SAILS symposium ‘Heritage; from physical to digital’, Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Speaker: Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of multi-material museum objects, InArt conference, Oslo, Norway
  • Speaker: Visualising the exterior and interior of art objects through combining CT scans and surface scans, ICOM-CC recycle lectures, Utrecht, The Netherlands