Leen Stougie

Volledige naam
Prof.dr. L. Stougie
+31 20 592 4381
Leen Stougie


Leen Stougie obtained his PhD in Operations Research at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1985. His PhD-research and a Post Doc year he did at CWI in the Operations Research and Systems Theory group in the period 1980-1985. In 1986 he joined the department of Econometrics and Operations Research of the University of Amsterdam as assistant professor. From 1997 till 2008 he worked in the Combinatorial Optimisation group of the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science of the Technical University Eindhoven, where he became associate professor. Since end of 2008 he is full professor of Operations Research in the Department of Econometrics and Operations Research at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. Since Spring 2017 his main occupation became senior researcher and group leader of the Life Sciences and Health group at CWI, keeping a part-time full professorship at the VU. He held several visiting professorships, among others at UC Berkeley, La Sapienza University of Rome, and Technical University of Berlin. Since 2015 he is member of the INRIA European Research Team ERABLE https://team.inria.fr/erable/en/ From 2011 till 2016 he was chairman of the National Network for Mathematics of Operations Research (LNMB) http://www.lnmb.nl


His  research interests are mathematics on the interface of operations research, combinatorial optimization and probability theory with applications in life sciences and logistics. Specifically his interest in these fields is on algorithm design and analysis related to complexity theory. A common theme in his research is optimization under uncertainty: stochastic programming, on-line optimization and more recently optimization under scenarios.

In (stochastic) combinatorial optimization his work is lately concentrating on scheduling. 

Since 2004 he is involved in projects on computational biology. From 2005 till 2009 he was Project leader of BSIK/BRICKS-project AFM2 on Computational Life Sciences. Since then computational biology remained an important part of his research and will be a dominant part from now on. In this area his work is concentrated on metabolic network analysis and algorithms for phylogenetic  trees and networks. For his bioinformatics research he is team-member of ERABLE (see biography).

He was supervisor of 10 PhD-students and is currently (co)supervising 4 PhD-students. He (co)authored over 100 papers in journals, reviewed conference proceedings and books.



All publications


  • Harold W. Kuhn Award (2006)

Professional activities

  • Editor: AIMS Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
  • Speaker: Keynote speaker: Fourth International Workshop on Dynamic Scheduling, Winterthur, Switzerland

Current projects with external funding

  • Networks (Networks)
  • Optimization for and with Machine Learning (OPTIMAL2)
  • Pan-genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration (PANGAIA)
