Marie-Colette van Lieshout published three books, edited three further monographs and wrote more than sixty journal articles in stochastic geometry, spatial statistics and image analysis. Her research concerns the modelling and analysis of complicated geometrical structures. She has worked extensively on point and object processes, random fields and tessellation models. Van Lieshout is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.
Editor: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability - member editorial board.
Professor: Professor by special appointment Universiteit Twente - Appointed Professor of Spatial Stochastics at the, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Speaker: Stochastic geometric models for image analysis. BMS-ANed winter bijeenkomst.
Board Member: STAR cluster
Member: appointment committee to chair, University of Twente
Member: panel for promotions, University of California at Los Angelos
Organizer: Session on behalf of STAR research cluster on Numerics meets Statistics at 55th NMC Velthoven
Speaker: Perfect simulation for length-interacting polygonal Markov fields in the plane. Mini-symposium on rare events, simulation and queueing networks. Enschede.
Organizer: session on Highly structured stochastic systems at the 12 international conference of the ERCIM WG on computational and methodological statistics in London
Member: jury to evaluate research proposals submitted to research council NWO
Member: selection and appointment committee, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Advisor: MSc thesis Statistical disclosure control when publishing on thematic maps (with J. Goseling, P.P. de Wolf and E. de Jonge)
Advisor: MSc internship Biodiversity at Barro Colorado Island by Maike de Jongh (with R.J. Boucherie)
Speaker: Puntprocesmodellen voor aardbevingen, toegepast op data uit Groningen en Kashmir. Wintersymposium KWG, Utrecht.
Board Member: Council Bernoulli Society
Advisor: BSc dissertation Janiek Smulders 'Analysis of random forest algorithms'
Committee member: programme committee of International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, Rhodes, Greece
Member: jury to evaluate research proposals submitted to TTW/NWO
Board Member: Ambtelijk secretaris Commissie Persoonlijke Archieven van Wiskundigen van het Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap
Member: selection committee Constance van Eeden fellowship
Advisor: Internship Bram de Jong 'Speeding up image reconstruction algorithm using matrix decomposition' (with W. Choi)
Advisor: Internship Thomas Middelkamp, Air pollution exposure assessment. (with A.M.M. Manders-Groot and K. de Hoogh)
Advisor: BSc dissertation Dorien van Leeuwen 'Kitchen fire data analysis and modeling' (with M. de Graaf and C. Lu)
Speaker: Keynote speaker - International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
Committee member: programme committee international workshop on computational intelligence for multimedia understanding, Hammamet, Tunisia
Committee member: programme committee pervasive sensing and multimedia understanding, Dijon, France
Professor: Full professor Spatial Stochastics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente
Data driven risk management for fire services
(jointly supervised with Professor R.J. Boucherie and dr Graaf). (2019)
NWO DeepNL grant `Comprehensive monitoring and prediction of seismicity within the Groningen gas field using large scale field observations'
(jointly with Professor J.A. Trampert and Drs K. Smetana and
H. Paulssen). (2018)
STAR Outreach Day `Earthquake modelling and analysis' (jointly with Professors R.J. Boucherie and G. Jongbloed). (2016)
PPS Ministry of Defence - CWI (jointly with Professors R.D. van der Mei and S. Bhulai). (2015)
statistical consultant for `Video communication for networked communities' (Vconect, FP7 ICT-2011-28-7760). (2013)
partner in`Realization of reliable and secure residential sensor platforms'. (2010)
NWO Vrije Competition grant `Segmentation and motion analysis using polygonal Markov fields' (613.000.809). (2009)
Section Mathematical Statistics of the Dutch Society for Statistics and Operational Research conference grant and STAR cluster guarantee grant for Stochastics Meetings Lunteren, (jointly with Professors W.Th.F. den Hollander and A.W. van der Vaart). (2004)
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