The QoE Testbed is a set of tools for conducting Quality of Experience (QoE) studies for video-conferencing. It can be used to produce standardized results from experiments as indicated by ITU Study Group 12 on Performance, QoS and QoE. For example, it can be used to evaluate adaptation techniques for palliating performance fluctuations on the internet.
The QoE Testbed has been developed by the Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS) group and consists of a video-conferencing client, an ObserverControl tool, and a Player and Analyzer toolset. The video-conferencing client allows for manipulation of video-conferencing parameters like resolution and delay, recording of the media, and integration of study-specific tasks and questionnaires. In addition, gaze can be recorded with an eye-tracker. The ObserverControl tool allows for live monitoring of the session (and interaction if necessary), and manual and scripted control of the video-conferencing and study parameters. The Player and Analyzer toolset contains tools to process the audiovisual and eyetracking recordings, extract interaction cues, preprocess the questionnaire data, and replay recorded sessions.
The software suite is used by several researchers in academia and industry conducting laboratory experiments regarding QoE in video-conferencing.