Ronald de Wolf
Full Name
Prof.dr. R.M. de Wolf
+31 20 592 4078
Scientific Staff Member, Group leader, Professor - Universiteit van Amsterdam
All publicationsAwards
Gödel Prize 2023 (2023)
ACM STOC 10-year Test of Time Award (2022)
STOC'12 Best Paper Award : Semidefinite Extended Formulations: Exponential Separation and Strong Lower Bounds. In 44th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 12) (2012)
Cor Baayen Award (2003)
Professional activities
Professor: Universiteit van Amsterdam [UvA]
Editor: Journal: Quantum
Speaker: Keynote speaker: The potential impact of quantum computers on society, YQIS summer school, Vienna
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum algorithms for optimization. European Quantum Technology Conference, Grenoble
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum algorithms (introduction). Deutsche Physik Gesellschaft (DPG) Fall Meeting, Freiburg
Speaker: Invited speaker: Graphs sparsification: efficient algorithms and applications. Heilbronn Annual Conference, Bristol
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum Algorithms For Optimization. Quantum colloquium of the Simons Institute, Berkeley
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum computing. Perspectives in Mathematical Sciences series, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum machine learning from a theoretical perspective. Cambridge-Warwick Quantum Computing Colloquium
Speaker: Invited speaker: The potential impact of quantum algorithms on society. In seminar series "Quantum Algorithms" of ML4Q (Aachen, Julich, Cologne), online
Speaker: Invited speaker: The potential impact of quantum algorithms on society. Seminar at University of Trento
Speaker: Invited speaker: Influence in Completely Bounded Block-multilinear Forms and Classical Simulation of Quantum Algorithms. QIP'23, Gent, Belgium
Speaker: Invited speaker: Generating k EPR-pairs from an n-party resource state. QIP'23, Gent, Belgium
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Linear Regression with Norm Constraints. 50th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 23), Paderborn, Germany
Speaker: Invited speaker: Improved Quantum Boosting. 31st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 23), CWI Amsterdam
Speaker: Invited speaker: Theoretical aspects of quantum machine learning. Seminar at ISTA Vienna
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum algorithms for optimization. Seminar at Zuse Institute (ZIB), Berlin, Germany
Speaker: Invited speaker: Quantum algorithms for optimization. YQIS'24 conference, Paris, France
Speaker: The applications of quantum computers. Masterclass Quantum Computing at the Amsterdam Business School of UvA, Dec 12, 2024
Committee member: Random 2024
Committee member: Conference on Quantum Information Processing - QIP 2025
Committee member: ERC Starting Grant Panel (PE6), EU
ERC Consolidator Grant (2013)
NWO TOP-grant Samen met Monique Laurent en Nikhil Bansal (2013)
Vidi Innovational Research Grant NWO (2008)
Veni Innovational Research Grant NWO (2005)
Current projects with external funding
Groeifonds - QDNL / KAT 1 (Groeifonds)
Quantum Computing(9 Sep 2024 - 16 Dec 2024)
Quantum Computing(13 Sep 2023 - 20 Dec 2023)