Algorithms and Complexity group news

More than spins

Researchers from UvA, QuSoft and CWI published a scientific article in Physical Review Letters, in spring 2024, on a new computational method to accurately describe what happens inside quantum devices.

CWI Algemeen 20 10 04-003

Inaugural lecture Stacey Jeffery: 'Quantum algorithms are a (random) walk in the park'

On 17 May, Stacey Jeffery (CWI, QuSoft, UvA) holds her inaugural lecture as a professor by special appointment of Quantum Information at the University of Amsterdam on ‘Quantum algorithms are a (random) …


Stacey Jeffery appointed professor by special appointment at UvA

CWI's researcher Stacey Jeffery has been appointed professor by special appointment of Quantum Information at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Jeffery also stays affiliated with CWI as …

Stacey Jeffery by Ivar Pel (for Academic Stories/CWI, 2019, photo nr 124). With focus area.

Strengths and weaknesses of quantum algorithms

CWI researchers have developed new quantum algorithms for a number of computational problems. They also discovered fundamental limits on the performance of future quantum computers: for many computational problems quantum computers will …

quantum computing shutterstock

NGF Quantum Technology grant for CWI researcher

In January, NWO announced that 19 projects would receive funding within the National Growth Fund (NGF) ‘Quantum Technology’ programme. One of the awarded projects is led by Jonas Helsen from CWI.

Quantum formulas (cropped from Ivar Pel, version 2, with focus area).

World-renowned quantum researcher Harry Buhrman takes on new position in London's business community

As of 15 December 2023, quantum researcher Harry Buhrman (CWI, QuSoft and UvA) will start a new position as Chief Scientist Quantum Algorithms & Innovation at Quantinuum. "CWI is a wonderful place,” …

Harry Buhrman hoge resolutie

Quantum Application Lab Secures SESA Grant for Quantum Computing Application Development

The Quantum Application Lab (QAL) - a consortium that CWI takes part in - announced receiving a SESA grant of 1.2 million euros, awarded by the Amsterdam municipality.

Quantumoverleg met Victor Land en Koen Groenland. CWI algemeen 2022 09 06-001

Hundreds of researchers in algorithms gather at CWI

About 300 researchers in algorithms gather together from 4-9 September at the ALGO 2023 conference, which is hosted at CWI.

CWI Algemeen 20 10 04-161_buitenkant gebouw