Algorithms and Complexity group news

Hundreds of researchers in algorithms gather at CWI

About 300 researchers in algorithms gather together from 4-9 September at the ALGO 2023 conference, which is hosted at CWI.

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Three CWI researchers awarded with Veni grant from NWO

Three talented CWI researchers received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to develop their own research over the next three years. They focus on topics varying from quantum-safe cryptography …

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First Quantum Delta NL Award for Stacey Jeffery and Julia Cramer

The first ever Quantum Delta NL Award was won by Stacey Jeffery (CWI and QuSoft) and Julia Cramer (Leiden University) for founding and developing WIQD - Women In Quantum Development.

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Prestigious Gödel Prize for Ronald de Wolf

Ronald de Wolf and his co-authors receive the 2023 Gödel Prize for outstanding papers in theoretical computer science. The other winner of the 2023 Gödel Prize is Thomas Rothvoss.

Ronald de Wolf in trappenhuis. Foto: Olivier Middendorp (voor NRC). Toestemming vragen voor overig gebruik.

PhD defence: How useful are quantum computers?

In the quest for a working quantum computer, it is important to find out how classical and quantum computers perform similar tasks. On 16 February 2023 Subhasree Patro (CWI and QuSoft) defended …


Stieltjes Prize 2021-2022 for Sophie Huiberts and Freek Witteveen

Sophie Huiberts, former PhD student of CWI, has been awarded the Stieltjes Prize 2021-2022 for the best PhD thesis in mathematics in the Netherlands. CWI also hosted the other winner, Freek Witteveen.

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CWI Interview with Gilles Brassard

In November 2022 Gilles Brassard was interviewed for personnel magazine We@CWI. Here a copy of this interview.

Gilles Brassard in front of quantum teleportation formula

Launch of EQSI-European Quantum Software Institute in Paris

On 8 November 2022, the EQSI–European Quantum Software Institute was launched with a stakeholder event in Paris. One of the founding members is QuSoft director Harry Buhrman (QuSOft, CWI & UvA).
