CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.
Successful Start for CWI's New Building
The building activities for the new wing of the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) formally started on November 20, 2007. Peter Nijkamp (chairman of the Governing Board of NWO), Cees de …
Solving financial problems efficiently - Oosterlee appointed professor
CWI researcher Kees Oosterlee has been appointed professor 'Hierarchical numerical methods' at the TU Delft on October 15, 2007. Oosterlee efficiently solves mathematical problems from industry with numerical methods. His focus is …
Better automatic updates for component-based software
Software companies regularly launch new releases of their products. Providing these software updates is a crucial aspect of quality assurance, customer satisfaction and safety. Extensions and repairs should be installed as soon …
PhD with honours for Jeroen Wackers
Jeroen Wackers, former PhD student at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), received his PhD degree 'cum laude' (with honours) on 5 November 2007 at Delft University of Technology (TUD). The …
Petition for immediate reopening case Lucia de B.
Renowned international scientists and medical experts request the immediate reopening of the case against Lucia de B. Justice Minister Hirsch Ballin and Secretary of State Albayrak receive petition concerning the case of …
CWI spin-off Software Improvement Group wins national Innovator Award 2007
CWI spin-off Software Improvement Group won the national Innovator Award 2007 during the National ICT Event on 23 October 2007. This award, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, is one …
Prize winners Icy Contest
The top of the iceberg - that was theme of the Science Day 2007. At CWI, several contests were held: two workshops 'mathematical ice carving' and a quiz on the melting of …
Science Day CWI a succes
It was pleasantly busy during the science day at CWI last Saturday. In the central hall there was an opportunity to artistically hack ice. The assignment 'create a mathematical ice sculpture' led …