CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.
W3C Benelux and ISOC Belgium spread open internet standards
The Benelux Office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C Benelux) and the Internet Society Belgium (ISOC Belgium) have agreed to cooperate to spread open standards to the internet communities of Belgium …
Prominent software historian visits CWI
Martin Campbell-Kelly, author of the first book on the history of the software industry, visits CWI on July 10. He is one of the speakers at the Colloquium History of Computing held …
Martin Kersten advisor Philips Research
Philips Research has appointed Martin Kersten as an advisor on database technology for its ambient intelligence program. Ambient intelligence covers a wide array of technologies for creating electronic environments sensitive to people. …
BRICKS launched
A meeting at the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO in The Hague on April 15 marked the official start of the CWI-coordinated BRICKS project. In the presence of NWO officials and …
Cor Baayen nominated as honorary member KWG
The Royal Dutch Mathematical Society KWG has nominated Cor Baayen as an honorary member. Baayen was scientific director of CWI from 1980 to 1994. He joined the institute in 1959 as a …
Andrew Tanenbaum elected Akademiehoogleraar
Andrew Tanenbaum has been elected Akademiehoogleraar by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences KNAW. Tanenbaum is considered one of the most influential computer scientists in the Netherlands. He is professor of Computer …
Ute Ebert wins Minerva Prize
CWI researcher Ute Ebert has won the Minerva Prize 2004. This was announced by the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter FOM on February 25. Ebert's publication was chosen unanimously out of …
NWO funds CWI projects on computational life science
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO has awarded funding to three projects that involve CWI's Non-linear PDE group. This was announced in December 2003. The subsidies are part of NWO's Computational …