
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Quantum.Amsterdam and Quantum Delta NL celebrate close collaboration together

On 14 July the new quantum innovation hub Quantum.Amsterdam, established by CWI, Uva and QuSoft, and Quantum Delta NL raised the flag together to celebrate their close collaboration for the coming seven …

Quantum.Amsterdam and Quantum Delta NL celebrate close collaboration together

Tim Baarslag wins NWO-Vidi grant to study AI for better procurement negotiations

CWI researcher Tim Baarslag received a NWO-Vidi grant to develop new negotiation and coordination algorithms that can procure multiple deals with multiple partners.

Tim Baarslag wins NWO-Vidi grant to study AI for better procurement negotiations

New CWI spin-off company DuckDB Labs: Solutions for fast database analytics

CWI researchers Hannes Mühleisen and Mark Raasveldt founded the spin-off company DuckDB Labs. The company provides services and development for DuckDB, an open-source database management system aimed at efficient data analytics.

New CWI spin-off company DuckDB Labs: Solutions for fast database analytics

Monique Laurent elected as EUROPT Fellow 2021

Monique Laurent (CWI and Tilburg University) was elected EUROPT Fellow 2021 for being an outstanding researcher in continuous optimization.

CWI researcher Monique Laurent elected as KNAW member

Rob van der Mei and Sandjai Bhulai nominated for Huibregtsen prize for innovative research

The jury praises the efficiency and elegance of their mathematical solutions, but most of all the effort Bhulai and Van der Mei put in to make sure their work truly benefits society.

2021 Huibregtsen Award to CWI's Rob van der Mei and Sandjai Bhulai (VU)

Dis group develops Co-creation Space for digital humanities

As part of the TRACTION project, CWI's DIS group is developing The Co-creation Space, a “private social media tool" uniting media storage, sharing, and media editing capabilities of traditional social media. It …

Dis group develops co-creation space for digital humanities

Is this the first physics problem that the quantum computer will solve?

Joris Kattemölle (UvA/QuSoft/CWI) proposes a physical problem that could be the first one for a quantum computer with 100 qubits to solve. On Wednesday 30 June Kattemölle defended his PhD thesis.

Is this the first physics problem that the quantum computer will solve?

Millions of tonnes less CO2 emissions by recycling plastic insulation materials

CWI is part of a large European consortium that has received 15.7 million euro for demonstrating that the waste stream of high-performance plastics, which are heavily used as insulation material in the …

Millions of tonnes less CO2 emissions by recycling plastic insulation materials