
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Ton de Kok appointed new director of CWI

The board of NWO-I, the institute organisation of NWO, appoints Prof. Ton de Kok as director of CWI. On 1 October 2020, De Kok will succeed the current director, Prof. Jos Baeten, …

Ton de Kok appointed new director of CWI

Gearing up for QCrypt 2020

The latest top results in quantum cryptography will be shared during the upcoming tenth anniversary edition of the QCrypt conference. Welcoming hundreds of visitors from science and industry, QCrypt 2020 will take …

Gearing up for QCrypt 2020

Leo Ducas (CWI Cryptology Group) involved in NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Finalists

In its process to develop the first cryptographic standard to protect sensitive electronic data against the threat of quantum computers, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the finalists. …

Leo Ducas (CWI Cryptology Group) involved in NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Finalists

CWI researchers develop new mathematical framework to explain the emergence of large blackouts

The study shows that the statistical distribution of blackout sizes can be linked to city sizes. Bert Zwart and his colleagues indicate that it might be more effective to help consumers react …

CWI researchers develop new mathematical framework to explain the emergence of large blackouts

Daniel Dadush and Samarth Tiwari receive Best Paper Award at CCC'20

Daniel Dadush and Samarth Tiwari from CWI's Networks and Optimization research group receive the Best Paper Award at the Computational Complexity Conference 2020 for their work 'On the Complexity of Branching Proofs'.

Daniel Dadush and Samarth Tiwari receive Best Paper Award at CCC'20

Balancing uncertainties in future electricity markets

The steady embrace of sustainable energy brings along new challenges. For example, the supply and demand of energy will fluctuate much more than with energy from fossil sources. PhD student Georgios Methenitis …

Balancing uncertainties in future electricity markets

In Memoriam Willem van Zwet (1934-2020)

Prof. Willem van Zwet from Leiden University was advisor to the Mathematisch Centrum (now called CWI) from 1965-1984, chair of CWI’s Science Committee and Member of the Board. Throughout his career, Van …

In Memoriam Willem van Zwet (1934-2020)

EU Horizon 2020 grant award for realtime CT imaging project ‘xCting’

Project ‘xCTing’ from CWI’s Computational Imaging (CI) group and partners, has been awarded a grant from the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks programme.

EU Horizon 2020 grant award for realtime CT imaging project ‘xCting’