
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

CWI and Google announce first collision for Industry Security Standard SHA-1

'Industry deprecation proved to be too slow' Today, Thursday 23 February 2017, researchers at the Dutch research institute CWI and Google jointly announce that they have broken the SHA-1 internet security standard …

cryptography and security2

Making a tedious search a breeze: parallel query execution in multi-core systems

When you request information from a huge database, you might want to grab a cup of coffee and sit back, because your request may take a while. How can we optimize searches …

Making a tedious search a breeze: parallel query execution in multi-core systems

CWI researcher contributes to new combination of W3C and IDPF in Digital Publishing

On 1 February W3C announced that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) will combine their organizations to set up a new roadmap for Digital Publishing. …

CWI researcher contributes to new combination of W3C and IDPF in Digital Publishing

CWI launches spin-off SEITA energy flexibility

CWI recently launched spin-off company SEITA (Sustainable Energy Is Totally Achievable), a service provider focused on the energy sector.

CWI develops algorithms that shorten response time of ambulance

In emergency situations where every second counts, the timely presence of an ambulance can be a matter of live or death. In The Netherlands the norm for the response time of ambulances …

CWI develops algorithms that shorten response time of ambulance

CWI develops strategies for compression and transmission of reconstructed 3D data

Internet is used for communication via video conferencing, voice calls, chatting, photo sharing, online gaming and virtual reality. These technologies are changing our daily lives and the way we interact with each …

CWI develops strategies for compression and transmission of reconstructed 3D data

Harry Buhrman appointed Distinguished Research Professor

Prof. dr. H.M. Buhrman has been appointed as Distinguished Research Professor at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam. In this position Harry Buhrman will function as the figurehead of …

Harry Buhrman appointed Distinguished Research Professor lowres-niet gebruiken!

Rob van der Mei in TV programme Universiteit van Nederland

Stochastics researcher Rob van der Mei has made an appearance in an episode of the TV programme 'Universiteit van Nederland'. He contributed to a series of 5 episodes themed 'Disasters'. Rob's talk …

Rob van der Mei in TV programme Universiteit van Nederland