
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Veni grants for Daniel Dadush and Hannes Mühleisen

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Veni grants to Daniel Dadush and Hannes Mühleisen of CWI. The funding allows these researchers, who have recently obtained their PhD, to conduct …

Veni grants for Daniel Dadush and Hannes Mühleisen

Daniel Dadush receives A.W. Tucker Prize 2015

Daniel Dadush of CWI's Networks & Optimization group has been awarded the A. W. Tucker Prize 2015. He received the prize for his doctoral thesis that he completed at Georgia Tech in …

Lex Schrijver receives EURO Gold Medal 2015

Researcher Lex Schrijver of CWI has been awarded the EURO Gold Medal 2015. This prize is considered the highest European distinction in Operational Research (OR) and is awarded by the Association of …

Lex Schrijver receives EURO Gold Medal 2015

Lodlam Open Data Prize for Polimedia

Researchers from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), VU University (VU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vison have been awarded the …

Lodlam Open Data Prize for Polimedia

Cooperative behaviour is not instinctive, but learnt

Cooperative behaviour is not an instinctive impulse or deliberate choice, but a learning process. Researchers of CWI and LUISS Guido Carli in Rome showed in an experiment that people living in a …

Cooperative behaviour is not instinctive, but learnt

Start of lightning explained: hail and cosmic particles

For the first time researchers demonstrate how lightning is started: by a combination of hail and high energy particles from space, originating from exploding stars. A cosmic ray produces a shower of …

Start of lightning explained: hail and cosmic particles

Spinque and Institute for Sound and Vison launch CultuurLINK

Spinque, a spin off company of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) for advanced search technology, and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision have launched CultuurLINK, a new public service for cultural …

Spinque and Institute for Sound and Vison launch CultuurLINK

CWI PhD's visit NIOZ colleagues at Texel

Each year the PhD’s from CWI organize a weekend trip. This year the young mathematics and information technologists of the national research institute chose Texel.